KANSAS CITY is STIRRING - by Andrew Strom.
Quote from Forum Archives on September 8, 2004, 3:23 pmPosted by: revival4 <revival4@...>
"KANSAS CITY is Stirring"
-by Andrew Strom.There are many new people on this List, and I guess most are
unaware of the reasons behind our shift all the way from New
Zealand to Kansas City earlier this year. Kansas City was the
founding-place of the modern 'Prophetic' movement about 20 years
ago - a movement that I regard as seriously derailed and prey to
numerous deceptions today - but that originally had a very
important purpose and calling. I have carried a deep burden for this
movement and this city for over ten years - from the other side of
the world. It was so strong that at times I would find myself in tears
over a place that I had never even visited. I have to admit that even
though I ministered widely in my home country of New Zealand,
and believed and prayed for Revival there for many years, my heart
was always strangely linked to Kansas City and the "derailed"
move of God here. I could not seem to get rid of this burden. My
wife and I talked often of shifting here, but the doors never seemed
to open. It was very frustrating.Suddenly in 2003 the doors opened for me to visit and preach a
couple of times, and everything suddenly fell into place for us to
move to America to live for five years. God even chose the house
for us to live in! It was utterly miraculous how quickly it all happened.Today my heart is just as deeply burdened as ever for the 'Prophetic'
movement that was founded here - and for this city to come into
her promises. I cannot explain it. But I have to believe that God has
not given up on what He originally intended to do here.In the last month or so, things have begun 'heating up' spiritually
in Kansas City - in a noticeable way. But I want to talk about that
later. You will only understand it if you first read the amazing history
of what took place here originally.As I learned in my research, it would be hard to find a place that has
more CONFIRMED prophecies of Revival over it than Kansas City.
There are many places that have grand prophecies over them, but I am
talking here about CONFIRMED promises from God. I am convinced
that Kansas City is UTTERLY CRUCIAL to God's plan for Revival
in America. I do not say this as someone who was born here or had
a "vested interest" in this city. I am saying it as someone from
"outside" - from thousands of miles away. My belief for many years
has been that without the promised Revival in KC, it is possible that
America may not come into her Revival either. I realize that that is
a huge statement, but you will see why I feel this way.As things stand right now, the 'Prophetic' move in KC - upon which
this Revival was supposed to be based, seems to have been largely
destroyed. The agonized cry of my heart for the last ten years
has been - "This Revival CANNOT be allowed to be lost". When you
understand the history of what happened in KC, I think you will see why:Kansas City's "LOST" Revival
A lot of people have heard of the 'Kansas City prophets', though some
may have a rather negative reaction to that phrase. People associate
something unsavory with it. But the origins of that movement are far
from unsavory. In fact, I believe that God wanted to do something very
powerful in Kansas City that has now been "lost" for over a decade.
I believe that ultimately He wanted to raise up "John-the-Baptist" type
preachers - the 'Charles Finneys' and Jonathan Edwards of today's
generation. (-For God has used such 'prophetic' preachers in every
Revival). But sadly, it seems that the Kansas City movement spun
apart before these "John-the-Baptists" could arise. Here is what happened:In late 1982 a young preacher by the name of Mike Bickle shifted to
Kansas City to begin a work here following several powerful prophecies
that he should do so. (-He had been pastoring in St. Louis up to this
point). Today Mike is a well-known Christian author, speaker and
founder of the 'International House of Prayer' in KC. But back in 1982
he was simply an unknown 27-year-old pastor and intercessor who
commonly spent several hours a day in prayer.Mike was not really used to 'Prophetic' things, but after he came to
KC several 'prophetic'-type people joined him. Not long after he arrived,
Mike had a dream in which an angel literally appeared to him and
said: "Proclaim a fast - to pray night and day for Revival in the city
and the nation. Five hundred people will gather. It will be like unto
Daniel 9." (-Which is the passage that recounts Daniel's 21 days of
prayer and fasting). Mike couldn't get the dream out of his head and
the very next day one of the prophets that he had met named Bob
Jones said to him: "You had a dream last night in which an angel
spoke to you, didn't you? I myself saw the same angel and he told
me, 'Give the young man Daniel 9 and he will understand.'" Mike was
utterly astonished that someone could tell him his own dream like
that! The prophet went on to say: "500 people will gather. And to
show you how important this gathering is in God's purposes, God
will send a COMET, totally unpredicted by scientists, to show that
this whole thing is of Him."Now, it is important to understand that Mike was a complete
"nobody" at this point. He was new in town and his little fellowship
probably numbered less than 100 people. Who on earth was he to
proclaim a fast and gather a multitude to pray for 21 days? Yet he
knew that God had placed a calling on his life, and he decided to go
ahead. The day chosen for the beginning of the fast was May 7th, 1983.To Mike's astonishment, over 500 people responded to the call! They
prayed eighteen hours a day for 21 days, crying out to God for Revival.
And not only that, but just as Bob Jones had predicted, right when
the fast was beginning an unknown comet was suddenly reported -
a comet passing so close to earth that it was easily visible to the
naked eye for several days. It was absolutely amazing. (The Comet
IRAS-Araki-Alcock made the closest known approach that a comet
has made to Earth in the last 200 years - right then as the fast was
beginning in May 1983). I have to say, as someone who studies
Revival, I have not come across ANY Revival movement in history that
has had a more powerful beginning.Today's critics who write off Bob Jones and the whole Prophetic
movement as "false" and counterfeit, need to remember that the
whole point of this movement at the start was FASTING, PRAYER
and REVIVAL. The 'comet' and other early prophecies were simply
to confirm this move of prayer and holiness.And this was just the start of a whole series of incredible events that
showed that God was restoring the 'Prophetic' ministry to the
church. It is very clear to me that the major "foundations" of today's
Prophetic movement, and the great explosion that we have seen in
the Prophetic ministry over the last 20 years, stem directly back to
Kansas City. This was the founding movement, the watershed-event
that God used to kick-start the whole thing in modern times. And it
was supposed to lead to all-out Revival.But sadly, about 8 years later, it all came apart in a terrible spiritual
"train-wreck". I am not going to dwell on the reasons, or apportion
blame in any particular direction. (By this time a number of well-
known prophets had been involved for some years). But suffice it to
say that there were some crucial mistakes made and things began
to spin very badly out of control. The 'Kansas City prophets' (as they
came to be called) ended up being featured in a very negative light
in Charisma magazine (-with 'front cover' exposure) and a Kansas
City pastor circulated a very damning report about them all over
town. Bob Jones, feeling rejected, committed a serious indiscretion
and was forced out. Others were simply asked to leave town. The
whole 'prophetic' side of the ministry seemed to blow apart. (-This
was around 1991). The prophets scattered everywhere.It truly was a disaster. Not just for the Prophetic movement, but for
the Church as a whole. For I am convinced that what God wanted
to raise up out of Kansas City was a prophetic voice to call the
Laodicean church to repentance before it was too late (-particularly
in America). That was the ultimate goal. (There were prophecies
referring to this). But all that we are left with now is a hollow shell.
And I am convinced that this "train-wreck" affected more than just
Kansas City. I believe it greatly impacted the entire Prophetic
movement for the worse. Today we see the results all around us.The Prophetic movement was not supposed to be just about
'revelatory' experiences or great dreams and visions. It was not
supposed to be about selling books or holding conferences. It
was supposed to bring a word that would shake the church out of
her slumber - that would pierce her heart with 'godly sorrow' and
deep repentance before it was too late. It was supposed to bring
shaking and change. It was supposed to act as a 'John-the-Baptist'
to the nation. That is what has very much been lost - I am
convinced of it. What a tragedy.After 1991, Mike Bickle's church in Kansas City seemed to meander
along for quite some time, wondering what to do with itself. (-It was
quite big by this stage). Eventually Mike left pastoring to concentrate
on raising up a 24-hour prayer center in the city. This has been a
huge success, and you have to commend Mike for at least
resurrecting something out of the mess, and fulfilling one of the
original "four standards" - ie. Night and day prayer. But as for the
'prophetic' side of things, little of it truly remains. So much has been lost.I am personally convinced, however, that the Prophetic mandate over
Kansas City has never been rescinded - and that the original calling
still remains.There is a great move of God hanging over the city that I do not
believe has been "aborted" but more "suspended". It has been left
hanging. And time is running out. It is probably the most prayed-for
city in America. But there is still a terrible danger that all may be
lost. I literally cannot stand the thought of it. All those years of
prayer by so many people. All those confirming signs. Such a
promising move. What a victory for the devil if he can keep it from
happening. It simply cannot be allowed. And the most serious
aspect of all is this: -What happens to America if her 'Prophetic
city' is lost? What if the church never hears the 'voice' that was
supposed to rouse her from her slumber? Will she awaken in time
or will she lose her Revival?One obvious question that arises for me personally is - what on
earth can I hope to do about any of this? Why would God give me
such a burden and send me to live over here? I am not someone
who sees angels or has visits to the 'third heaven'. My whole
emphasis is on REPENTANCE. I am a 'Revival' preacher. -That is
my whole anointing and focus. I am someone who does not believe
in a prophetic ministry based merely around dreams and visions -
but rather around a 'John-the-Baptist' type message - "REPENT!"
(-And I believe this was the true original calling of the whole
movement). For this is what a 'lukewarm' church desperately needs.
So what on earth am I doing here in Kansas City?Well, all I know is that I need to stick to my 'John-the-Baptist'
emphasis - because it is sorely needed here. And the only other
thing I know is that God has called us to Kansas City and we are
in the right place. Whatever else happens is up to Him.Things are STIRRING
This year there have been some significant changes in KC. The
old "Kansas City prophets" (Metro) building (-which still has many
prophecies over it by Bob Jones and others) has been sold
rather suddenly. (-After about 20 years of ownership). This is quite
a change in itself. And also, for the first time in 13 or 14 years,
Bob Jones is scheduled to speak in Kansas City - returning to hold
meetings in that same building in late October this year. (-For more
details see www.whitedoveministries.org ). He believes the
Prophetic was "shut down" here in the early 1990's, and needs to
be re-opened again.And these are not the only sudden changes. There have been other
significant comings and goings as well. -But (1) The old building and
(2) Bob Jones suddenly coming back - these are major things that
are worth taking note of.A lot of people will criticize me for having anything to do with this
stuff. They cannot understand why I would go anywhere near a
man like Bob Jones or want to see the early Prophetic restored.
They regard the whole thing as "beyond help" and deceived.Yes, the Prophetic movement IS deceived. I believe it is essentially
a "fallen movement" in a lot of ways - since 1991. There is an
enormous amount of flakiness and hype and all kinds of things that
have gained a foothold.But I look back at the early years (-before things went sour) and
I see a move of intercession and prophetic utterance and holiness
and truth, aimed at seeing the lukewarm church REPENT. And
I have to believe there is a way to see that 'original thing' restored.And I am encouraged by the "CHANGE" that is already occurring
this year. The "John-the-Baptists" must arise before it is too late.Please pray for Kansas City, my friends?
God bless you all!
Kindest regards in Christ,
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: revival4 <revival4@...>
-by Andrew Strom.
There are many new people on this List, and I guess most are
unaware of the reasons behind our shift all the way from New
Zealand to Kansas City earlier this year. Kansas City was the
founding-place of the modern 'Prophetic' movement about 20 years
ago - a movement that I regard as seriously derailed and prey to
numerous deceptions today - but that originally had a very
important purpose and calling. I have carried a deep burden for this
movement and this city for over ten years - from the other side of
the world. It was so strong that at times I would find myself in tears
over a place that I had never even visited. I have to admit that even
though I ministered widely in my home country of New Zealand,
and believed and prayed for Revival there for many years, my heart
was always strangely linked to Kansas City and the "derailed"
move of God here. I could not seem to get rid of this burden. My
wife and I talked often of shifting here, but the doors never seemed
to open. It was very frustrating.
Suddenly in 2003 the doors opened for me to visit and preach a
couple of times, and everything suddenly fell into place for us to
move to America to live for five years. God even chose the house
for us to live in! It was utterly miraculous how quickly it all happened.
Today my heart is just as deeply burdened as ever for the 'Prophetic'
movement that was founded here - and for this city to come into
her promises. I cannot explain it. But I have to believe that God has
not given up on what He originally intended to do here.
In the last month or so, things have begun 'heating up' spiritually
in Kansas City - in a noticeable way. But I want to talk about that
later. You will only understand it if you first read the amazing history
of what took place here originally.
As I learned in my research, it would be hard to find a place that has
more CONFIRMED prophecies of Revival over it than Kansas City.
There are many places that have grand prophecies over them, but I am
talking here about CONFIRMED promises from God. I am convinced
that Kansas City is UTTERLY CRUCIAL to God's plan for Revival
in America. I do not say this as someone who was born here or had
a "vested interest" in this city. I am saying it as someone from
"outside" - from thousands of miles away. My belief for many years
has been that without the promised Revival in KC, it is possible that
America may not come into her Revival either. I realize that that is
a huge statement, but you will see why I feel this way.
As things stand right now, the 'Prophetic' move in KC - upon which
this Revival was supposed to be based, seems to have been largely
destroyed. The agonized cry of my heart for the last ten years
has been - "This Revival CANNOT be allowed to be lost". When you
understand the history of what happened in KC, I think you will see why:
Kansas City's "LOST" Revival
A lot of people have heard of the 'Kansas City prophets', though some
may have a rather negative reaction to that phrase. People associate
something unsavory with it. But the origins of that movement are far
from unsavory. In fact, I believe that God wanted to do something very
powerful in Kansas City that has now been "lost" for over a decade.
I believe that ultimately He wanted to raise up "John-the-Baptist" type
preachers - the 'Charles Finneys' and Jonathan Edwards of today's
generation. (-For God has used such 'prophetic' preachers in every
Revival). But sadly, it seems that the Kansas City movement spun
apart before these "John-the-Baptists" could arise. Here is what happened:
In late 1982 a young preacher by the name of Mike Bickle shifted to
Kansas City to begin a work here following several powerful prophecies
that he should do so. (-He had been pastoring in St. Louis up to this
point). Today Mike is a well-known Christian author, speaker and
founder of the 'International House of Prayer' in KC. But back in 1982
he was simply an unknown 27-year-old pastor and intercessor who
commonly spent several hours a day in prayer.
Mike was not really used to 'Prophetic' things, but after he came to
KC several 'prophetic'-type people joined him. Not long after he arrived,
Mike had a dream in which an angel literally appeared to him and
said: "Proclaim a fast - to pray night and day for Revival in the city
and the nation. Five hundred people will gather. It will be like unto
Daniel 9." (-Which is the passage that recounts Daniel's 21 days of
prayer and fasting). Mike couldn't get the dream out of his head and
the very next day one of the prophets that he had met named Bob
Jones said to him: "You had a dream last night in which an angel
spoke to you, didn't you? I myself saw the same angel and he told
me, 'Give the young man Daniel 9 and he will understand.'" Mike was
utterly astonished that someone could tell him his own dream like
that! The prophet went on to say: "500 people will gather. And to
show you how important this gathering is in God's purposes, God
will send a COMET, totally unpredicted by scientists, to show that
this whole thing is of Him."
Now, it is important to understand that Mike was a complete
"nobody" at this point. He was new in town and his little fellowship
probably numbered less than 100 people. Who on earth was he to
proclaim a fast and gather a multitude to pray for 21 days? Yet he
knew that God had placed a calling on his life, and he decided to go
ahead. The day chosen for the beginning of the fast was May 7th, 1983.
To Mike's astonishment, over 500 people responded to the call! They
prayed eighteen hours a day for 21 days, crying out to God for Revival.
And not only that, but just as Bob Jones had predicted, right when
the fast was beginning an unknown comet was suddenly reported -
a comet passing so close to earth that it was easily visible to the
naked eye for several days. It was absolutely amazing. (The Comet
IRAS-Araki-Alcock made the closest known approach that a comet
has made to Earth in the last 200 years - right then as the fast was
beginning in May 1983). I have to say, as someone who studies
Revival, I have not come across ANY Revival movement in history that
has had a more powerful beginning.
Today's critics who write off Bob Jones and the whole Prophetic
movement as "false" and counterfeit, need to remember that the
whole point of this movement at the start was FASTING, PRAYER
and REVIVAL. The 'comet' and other early prophecies were simply
to confirm this move of prayer and holiness.
And this was just the start of a whole series of incredible events that
showed that God was restoring the 'Prophetic' ministry to the
church. It is very clear to me that the major "foundations" of today's
Prophetic movement, and the great explosion that we have seen in
the Prophetic ministry over the last 20 years, stem directly back to
Kansas City. This was the founding movement, the watershed-event
that God used to kick-start the whole thing in modern times. And it
was supposed to lead to all-out Revival.
But sadly, about 8 years later, it all came apart in a terrible spiritual
"train-wreck". I am not going to dwell on the reasons, or apportion
blame in any particular direction. (By this time a number of well-
known prophets had been involved for some years). But suffice it to
say that there were some crucial mistakes made and things began
to spin very badly out of control. The 'Kansas City prophets' (as they
came to be called) ended up being featured in a very negative light
in Charisma magazine (-with 'front cover' exposure) and a Kansas
City pastor circulated a very damning report about them all over
town. Bob Jones, feeling rejected, committed a serious indiscretion
and was forced out. Others were simply asked to leave town. The
whole 'prophetic' side of the ministry seemed to blow apart. (-This
was around 1991). The prophets scattered everywhere.
It truly was a disaster. Not just for the Prophetic movement, but for
the Church as a whole. For I am convinced that what God wanted
to raise up out of Kansas City was a prophetic voice to call the
Laodicean church to repentance before it was too late (-particularly
in America). That was the ultimate goal. (There were prophecies
referring to this). But all that we are left with now is a hollow shell.
And I am convinced that this "train-wreck" affected more than just
Kansas City. I believe it greatly impacted the entire Prophetic
movement for the worse. Today we see the results all around us.
The Prophetic movement was not supposed to be just about
'revelatory' experiences or great dreams and visions. It was not
supposed to be about selling books or holding conferences. It
was supposed to bring a word that would shake the church out of
her slumber - that would pierce her heart with 'godly sorrow' and
deep repentance before it was too late. It was supposed to bring
shaking and change. It was supposed to act as a 'John-the-Baptist'
to the nation. That is what has very much been lost - I am
convinced of it. What a tragedy.
After 1991, Mike Bickle's church in Kansas City seemed to meander
along for quite some time, wondering what to do with itself. (-It was
quite big by this stage). Eventually Mike left pastoring to concentrate
on raising up a 24-hour prayer center in the city. This has been a
huge success, and you have to commend Mike for at least
resurrecting something out of the mess, and fulfilling one of the
original "four standards" - ie. Night and day prayer. But as for the
'prophetic' side of things, little of it truly remains. So much has been lost.
I am personally convinced, however, that the Prophetic mandate over
Kansas City has never been rescinded - and that the original calling
still remains.
There is a great move of God hanging over the city that I do not
believe has been "aborted" but more "suspended". It has been left
hanging. And time is running out. It is probably the most prayed-for
city in America. But there is still a terrible danger that all may be
lost. I literally cannot stand the thought of it. All those years of
prayer by so many people. All those confirming signs. Such a
promising move. What a victory for the devil if he can keep it from
happening. It simply cannot be allowed. And the most serious
aspect of all is this: -What happens to America if her 'Prophetic
city' is lost? What if the church never hears the 'voice' that was
supposed to rouse her from her slumber? Will she awaken in time
or will she lose her Revival?
One obvious question that arises for me personally is - what on
earth can I hope to do about any of this? Why would God give me
such a burden and send me to live over here? I am not someone
who sees angels or has visits to the 'third heaven'. My whole
emphasis is on REPENTANCE. I am a 'Revival' preacher. -That is
my whole anointing and focus. I am someone who does not believe
in a prophetic ministry based merely around dreams and visions -
but rather around a 'John-the-Baptist' type message - "REPENT!"
(-And I believe this was the true original calling of the whole
movement). For this is what a 'lukewarm' church desperately needs.
So what on earth am I doing here in Kansas City?
Well, all I know is that I need to stick to my 'John-the-Baptist'
emphasis - because it is sorely needed here. And the only other
thing I know is that God has called us to Kansas City and we are
in the right place. Whatever else happens is up to Him.
Things are STIRRING
This year there have been some significant changes in KC. The
old "Kansas City prophets" (Metro) building (-which still has many
prophecies over it by Bob Jones and others) has been sold
rather suddenly. (-After about 20 years of ownership). This is quite
a change in itself. And also, for the first time in 13 or 14 years,
Bob Jones is scheduled to speak in Kansas City - returning to hold
meetings in that same building in late October this year. (-For more
details see http://www.whitedoveministries.org ). He believes the
Prophetic was "shut down" here in the early 1990's, and needs to
be re-opened again.
And these are not the only sudden changes. There have been other
significant comings and goings as well. -But (1) The old building and
(2) Bob Jones suddenly coming back - these are major things that
are worth taking note of.
A lot of people will criticize me for having anything to do with this
stuff. They cannot understand why I would go anywhere near a
man like Bob Jones or want to see the early Prophetic restored.
They regard the whole thing as "beyond help" and deceived.
Yes, the Prophetic movement IS deceived. I believe it is essentially
a "fallen movement" in a lot of ways - since 1991. There is an
enormous amount of flakiness and hype and all kinds of things that
have gained a foothold.
But I look back at the early years (-before things went sour) and
I see a move of intercession and prophetic utterance and holiness
and truth, aimed at seeing the lukewarm church REPENT. And
I have to believe there is a way to see that 'original thing' restored.
And I am encouraged by the "CHANGE" that is already occurring
this year. The "John-the-Baptists" must arise before it is too late.
Please pray for Kansas City, my friends?
God bless you all!
Kindest regards in Christ,
Andrew Strom.