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Keys to Happiness Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Keys to Happiness"

Try to end a quarrel.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Dismiss suspicion, and replace it with trust.

Write a love letter.
Share some treasure.
Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth.

Manifest your loyalty in word and deed.
Keep a promise.
Find the time.
Forgo a grudge.
Forgive an enemy.

Apologize if you were wrong.
Try to understand.
Flout envy.
Examine your demands of others.

Think first of somebody else.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Laugh a little.
Laugh a little more.

Welcome a stranger.
Gladden the heart of a child or a senior.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Do a random act of kindness.
Speak your love.

If you use these keys to happiness
you can unlock the doors of success!

"Recipe for Happiness"

Take two heaping cups of patience
One heartful of love
Two handfuls of generosity
Dash of laughter
One headful of understanding
Sprinkle generously with kindness
Add plenty of FAITH and mix well
Spread over a period of a lifetime
Serve to everyone you meet.

"An Alphabet of Christmas"

A*is for Animals who shared the stable.
B*for the Babe with their manger for cradle.
C*for the Carols so blithe and so gay.
D*for December, the twenty fifth day.
E*for the Eve when we are all so excited.
F*for the Fun when the trees at last lighted.
G*is the Goose which you all know is fat.
H*is the Holly you stick in your hat.
I*for the Ivy that clings to the wall.
J*is for Jesus the cause of it all.
K*for the Kindness begot by the feast.
L*is the Light shining way in the East.
M*for the Mistletoe, all green and white.
N*for the Nowells we sing Christmas night.
O*for the Oxen, the first to adore Him.
P*for the Presents Wise Men laid before Him.
Q*for the Queerness that this should have been
Near 2000 years before you were seen.
R* for the Reindeer leaping the roofs.
S* for the Stockings that Santa Claus stuffs.
T* for the Toys, the Tinsel, the Tree.
U* is for Us--the whole family.
V* is for Visitors bringing us cheer.
W* is Welcome to the happy New Year.
X* YZ bother me! All I can say,
Is this is the end of my Christmas lay.
So now to you all, wherever you be,
A merry, merry Christmas, and many may you see!

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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