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kids need the Lord

Posted by: pastorbob <pastorbob@...>

May 28            Kids Need the Lord    Luke 18:15 – 17


Luke 18:15-17 "Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.   Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."   ESV


Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem passing between Samaria and Galilee.  There are many cities in this area…one of which is Nazareth, His boyhood home. 


Many sought Him out for help, healing and hope.


They even brought their children to Him; a MAJOR break from the traditions and laws of the Temple Elite.  Kids make noise in the temple and make a mess and break stuff and ask a LOT of questions (questions the Temple Elite did not want to be bothered with and/or have to answer)


The disciple rebuked the parents, grandparents, others for bringing the little kids to their Rabbi.


"Get those snot nosed brats out of here and back to the playgrounds where they belong!"


Jesus had a different plan and did a little rebuking of His own!


Jesus knew the heart of the little children AND He knew their needs.




Jesus WANTS the little children to come to Him




Parents/Grandparents/teachers/church family,     we need to examine how we treat the youngest, weakest, powerless among us!

Do we help, hinder or hurt their journey to Christ?

           We hold SUPREME power over them

                        What we say they do

                        What we do they mimic

                        Where we go – they go

                        What we prioritize they see as important

We need to examine our families, our parenting, our choices, our church, our EVERYTHING and see if there is anything we are doing to HINDER our children from coming to JESUS!


  • Maybe it is our WORDS.
    • Whether in bad language or just telling them they are too
    • young
  • Maybe it is our PRIORITIES
    • We can easily fall into the trap of making everything else a priority OVER God:  sports, sleep, movies, vacation, hobbies, etc
      Maybe it is our ACTIONS
    • Whether in bad behavior or by providing no guidance and
    • accountability or simply by not LIVING God in our homes
  • Maybe it is our ATTITUDES
    • If our attitudes are negative so will be our children's
    • If our attitude about God and church are negative so will be our children's


We should do EVERYTHING within our power to ENCOURAGE our kids towards God!




AS we do this, we will see a change in us, we will become like the little children loving and trusting God in a simple heartfelt faith.


It is the "grown Ups" who forget how to love and receive.  We have developed hard hearts and QUESTION EVERYTHING that is offered us.  "If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is!"


We have been hurt, beaten, abused, trampled, cast aside, overlooked, underappreciated, taken advantage of and used by just about every HUMAN we have ever met.  WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE DISAPPOINTMENTS! 


We are afraid to open up and be vulnerable yet again because we fear being hurt or harmed.


It is out of our life experiences – good and bad/ joyful and painful that we lead our children



Children usually do not carry this fear. 


  • They are willing to believe that God is exactly who He says He is!
  • They understand that God will never lie to them or let them down
  • They know that God will never leave them or forsake them
  • They understand that God LOVES them and wants the very best for their lives.




YOU need the LORD!


Today we will celebrate the achievement of our children, young and old.  We will encourage them in their motivation and hard work to achieve the goals we celebrate.


Have we encouraged them towards Jesus and Celebrated their journey into His Grace?


The Kingdom of God belongs to those who receive God's Grace as a little child.


10 years old or 100 years old, the same Grace of Holy God is available for you.


Cast away the hardness and negativity of the world and receive God's Love as a little child receives Him and LIVE!


Maybe this text is about how we treat the smallest and weakest among us…those with no power and no real say……do we push them back….do we push them down?   Do we push them FORWARD?  Do we somehow reserve "The Best part" for the grown ups?


Do we push them to God?


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