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Kindness or Evangelism Dating

Posted by: tom.peck <tom.peck@...>

Perhaps you can give me some guidance on something.
"Evangelism dating" is the term given for people who date someone with the purpose of telling them the Gospel.
This message is not about the merits or problem with this concept (I'm against it), but about a similar thing that happens at church.
The music minister tends to let anyone who has the talent to join in the leading of worship on Sundays.  There is no requirement for membership, but they are usually people who have attended for some time.  I am not sure if he inquires about their relationship with Christ.
While I have discussed this with him, we disagree about this and have pretty much "agreed to disagree" with him on this subject pending guidelines from out Elder Board.
Now, we have Vacation Bible School coming this summer and this year we will be using musicians (instead of tracks) for the music for the group meeting.  This is kind of a worship time for them but has the feel more of a "pep" rally.
While we have many capable musicians to help in this area, he decided to have his sister and brother-in-law help in playing the music (the brother-in-law will also sing lead on a couple of songs).  The sister is not currently attending church (though claims salvation) and the brother-in-law is a "seeker".  The reason conveyed is that they will be exposed to the Gospel and maybe they will start coming to church and maybe the brother-in-law will be saved, etc.  Also, they are in a local bar band.
Where do we draw the line on who we involve and to what extent.  We have sports teams (softball, bball, bowling) where members are encouraged to invite non-believers in order to develop relationships, but it seems to me that putting up a "seeker" as a leader in even semi-worship is problematic as he becomes a representative of the church to those children and their parents (our VBS attracts about 150+ children from both the church and community).
It is a little late now as they have practiced and are already involved but I would like some help in talking to our senior pastor about this issue, or even if I should talk to him about this.
May He be Praised,
Tom Peck
 (if you would prefer a private response, as I do not desire to start a controversy, please email at )