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King of the Jungle

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

The king of the jungle was experiencing a disturbing threat to
his authority. Although he was held in fear and awe by all the
jungle beasts, some small birds had absolutely no fear of him.
In fact, they cheekily nested in his mighty mane. Try as hard as
he would, he could not rid himself of their presence. No
amount of scratching or shaking, stamping or roaring seemed
to faze them.

Their constant chirping, cheeping and general folderol was
really driving him bonkers. In desperation, he approached the
local village and sought the help of the witch doctor.

"Hmmmm" he hummed, "I can see your problem, but I can
easily fix it". He began to dance a warding dance as he
gesticulated in no particular manner, concluding with
unbuttoning the lions vest, tossing in a handful of yeast and
buttoning the vest up again. "Return to your domain, O king of
the beasts, and by morning you will be rid of the bane of the
birds" he chanted.

The next morning the lion awoke to a pleasant silence. The
birds were gone! Eagerly he rushed back to the village and
confronted the witch doctor. "How did you do it?" he anxiously

"Quite simple" replied the witch doctor "because I know
that yeast is yeast and vest is vest, and never the mane shall