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"KOINONIA is so simple, BUT...."

Posted by: revival4 <revival4@...>

NOTE: How easy it is to forget about simple 'Koinonia' and get
distracted into other things. Yet this was the very essence of
'church life' in the Bible! -And it is available to every group of
Spirit-filled Christians today. Two interesting emails are below:


Rob Cowper writes:
"In our 'out-of-church' meetings this is not happening. It was
actually happening more in some of our organized religious
fellowship! Everyone spends so much time talking about the
correct relational model of the church, correct doctrine, etc, that
the spiritual gifts have been sidelined!!!???"

Ken & Carolyn write:
"When the Charismatic move first started in the late 60's, we were
part of home meetings just like you described. They were great.
Everyone shared as the Holy Spirit moved. Babies were allowed a
bit of grace if they went on too long, and were gently and privately
taken aside if they were in error or needed help. The meetings were
in the Living Room and the Dining Room was off to the side - and
moms and babies met there where the babies could crawl about
and mamas could hear and give input if led by the Holy Spirit.

Bigger kids played in the bedroom of the host family with other
kids or came and joined in the meetings. No kid was ever pushed
off into "kids church". We believed that the anointing ministered to
the kids regardless if they were coloring in books or sitting still
taking it all in or just asleep on the floor...

We had tremendous meetings... How great things were - and
should be again.