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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-A. Strom.

Sad to say, the counterfeit "manifestations" movement seems to
have invaded the church in a number of European nations. In March
this year, Reija Becks from Finland wrote to me: "We have read
and watched your material regarding Kundalini in the Charismatic
movement... It is of great importance that you bring up these
problems that have invaded the Charismatic movement, even here
in Finland and, sad to say, in our church... It would be very good
to have some of your material translated into Finnish."

Reija went on to translate "Kundalini Warning" into the Finnish
language and we encouraged them to put it up on a website in
their own nation. (In Finnish it is called "Kundalini-Varoitus").
After that I recently got the following email from another Fin who
lives in Helskinki-

"Those phenomena you are studying and describing in Kundalini
Warning, they are very "normal" in my church. First I accepted all
kinds of "movements of the Spirit", but then suspicion took over.
I doubted, but said nothing.

"Now I KNOW what´s going on. Problem is that my pastors, they
do not listen. They actually bring in American prosperity-preachers.
The worst once said that "the revival can´t come into this church
(and Finland) unless there are men who want to be - RICH!!!!!!"

"Within a couple of weeks I´ve been bumping into people who have
left the same church I still belong to. All of them have the same
message: "That church is going under." Every time I think about it,
all I can see is this: Smoking ruins. I thank God for opening my eyes."

If you are from a different country and would like to translate and
put out 'Kundalini Warning' or any of our other books, please email
us and we will happily give you permission to do so. Our email here
is -

-Anyone - please comment on this 'Kundalini' topic at this website-

God bless you all.