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Leacy/ Prayer Request

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


I had no idea your hubby was out of work. I currently have 4 friends that
have husbands that have been out of work at least 4 months...some 6 months.
It's so hard to understand. These men all have decent resumes. Many of
them are called back for 2nd and 3rd interviews. Told that the job is
between themselves and one other applicant...but the other guy gets the job.
We keep praying and trusting the Lord that He knows the situation but some
of these families are hanging on financially by the skin of their teeth. I
cannot remember a time in my life when so many of my friends husbands have
been out of work. I will add you to my job prayer list. Seems to be the
burden of my heart lately. Does this new job mean you would have to move or
will you be able to stay put?...Deanna