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Leacy's funny story

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Leacy your story reminded me of a story that happened a few years ago when
we lived in TN. We had just gone to one of the Plain Folks (Amish) auctions
and were sitting down with some Plain Folk friends and they told us this
story. This particular auction had many draft mules for sale. This one guy
kept bidding up all the mules and he won just about every one he bid on.
Curious, the Amish men gathered around him as he was getting ready to load
his mules and asked what he planned to do with all those mules? The man
replied that he planned to raise draft mules. The men didn't have the heart
to tell the guy that female mules are sterile. They just smiled. Helped
him load his mules and sent him on his way. The men in the community were
still laughing about this situation 2 years later. Needless to say the mule
buying guy never came back to auction to buy more "breeding