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Posted by: revival_list <revival_list@...>

- Andrew Strom.

It all started with the sale of the house we were living in. (-We did
not own it ourselves). The owner put quite a high price on it, and
very few people were coming to see it, so we figured we had a
lot of time to find our next home in Kansas City. I had already
been scouring Kansas City for many weeks - looking for a place
to buy that we could use as a 'Ministry House' as well as somewhere
to live ourselves. The weird thing was, we missed out on a
whole string of suitable houses one after the other - in the most
strange and unusual circumstances. It started getting alarming.

To our shock and amazement, the home we were in sold after just
a week-and-a-half on the market! (-Only two people had seen it!)
And they wanted early closing, so we suddenly had to get out fast
and we had nowhere to go.

Meantime after several disappointments we missed out on the
"perfect" ministry house by just 3 hours - while we were writing
the contract it was sold. Then with just a few days left we found
a "last chance" house. But on our way to the office to write the
contract our car died on the highway! (It had never done that
before or since). It finally started 45 mins later - just long enough
for us to miss the appointment. The next day (not to be deterred)
we made our offer. The other party counter-offered two days
later and we agreed to the price. We finally had an accepted offer!
We had our house! (-Or so we thought....)

The very next day we were told that the house had already been
placed on some little-known "auction" site and so our deal was off!!
Not to be deterred, I decided to bid on that auction site! (To me,
this was like a "fleece" before God - the last chance after months
of exhaustive searching and disappointments. I had to know for
sure if God was really closing the doors in KC). I bid up to a
certain amount and left it in God's hands (-this amount was HIGHER
than our "accepted" offer had been!!) Up until two days out I was
still winning the house, but suddenly in came another buyer and
it was gone. -Our last "fleece". -Our final chance.

As you can imagine, this whole process had really started us
questioning - "What is going on??" "Does God even want us in
Kansas City any more?" This was not a 'small' question to us -
after all we had come thousands of miles specifically to live in
Kansas City. I found it hard to believe our 'mission' there was
over. But we were reeling from the whole "house" situation. It
became more and more clear that we needed to be open to
shifting away.

In my time in Kansas City there is no question that my message
has been clearly heard by the leaders and the movement there.
In fact, certain things that I have published have literally
"shaken" the movement nationwide. That does not mean that any
of it has been "received". But I have had personal interaction
with most of the top leaders in one way or another - and some
of them are well aware that I was sent to KC with a message
and anointing from the Lord. (-Other leaders around town also).
They have all had every opportunity to receive or reject. However,
they have all kept the doors firmly shut against me - even those
who get on well with me on a personal level and fully
acknowledge my calling.

In my wildest dreams I never imagined that I would come to
KC merely to "cry out with a loud voice" over the movement there.
>From the start I was (and am) fully willing and able to "build and
plant" in KC - like in other places. But the doors have simply
remained closed. -Thus, I have to conclude that it is God's time to
move on to more "fruitful" fields. Other places have received our
ministry and borne fruit far more than KC - and it must be that
God wants us concentrating there. Remember, Jesus cursed the fig
tree that bore no fruit - He did not simply accept it. Despite long
effort, KC for us has been a "barren tree" - and I truly believe
they have rejected a long line of prophetic voices who have
been sent to them - of which I am simply the latest. What
lies in store for that city and that movement I do not know. But
my feeling is that it will not be good. Already it is one of the most
spiritually "dysfunctional" environments that you can find in
America. -Thousands of hurt and disillusioned Christians wandering
around in one place.

But none of that is a reason to simply up and leave. I would
only leave Kansas City if God said "GO!" And it appears that this
is exactly what He has done.

After a great deal of prayer and soul-searching, the place we feel
clearly led to after KC is Wisconsin - where there is a wonderful
community of friends and youth who have received our message.
This is far more of a "Christian Community" type situation with like-
minded people who have a heart for the poor and the true gospel,
etc. They have converted an old school into living quarters and there
are great possibilities for a 'Training School' and all kinds of things.

Already God has prepared the way for us. In fact, the leaders told me
this week that a year ago they felt the Lord tell them we would be
shifting there - but had never told us. Our move is already underway -
actually I am speaking there this week at 'The Gathering Wisconsin'.
So to all intents and purposes our family is already moved to WI.

We have friends in KC who will continue our homeless ministry, and
I believe exciting things are in store in Wisconsin. However, we are
still somewhat "shell-shocked" and may take awhile to get over
what has just occurred. It is pretty stunning when this kind of
thing happens - especially when you have a large family. -So sudden
and disorienting! We would greatly appreciate your prayers at this
time, my friends.

My apologies to anyone who is shocked or grieved at the contents
of this letter. I feel somewhat the same myself!

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God bless you and thankyou so much for your prayers, my friends.

Kindest regards in Christ,

-Andrew Strom.

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