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Posted by: balderman <balderman@...>


GENESIS 12:1-2; ROMANS 4:20-21

INTRO: God made a covenant with Abraham. A covenant is an agreement

between two or more parties. Basically, this covenant was: God would

do certain things for Abraham if Abraham would do certain things for

God. There were conditions Abraham would have to meet if he were

to enjoy the blessings of God on his life. This is what we call a

conditional covenant. It is only valid if the conditions are met. The

condition of God was that Abraham believe the promise he made and

act on God’s promise. As Romans 4:20-21 tells us, "He staggered not

at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving

glory to God; And being fully persuaded, that what he has promised, he

was able also to perform." He accepted the promise with unfaltering

faith. He was certain that God not only could, but would do what he

promised (The People’s New Testament Commentary).

You may be asking yourself this question: Does God still make

covenants with His people today? Yes! Hebrews 11:6 tells us, "But

without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God

must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that

diligently seek him." Oliver B. Greene in his commentary, The

Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews, states, "The only possible

way to please God is by faith…Faith accepts the fact that God is ‘the

rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.’ The Greek word used

here literally means ‘One who gives back-wages, a dispenser of

rewards’—and God is that. He is the Giver of every good and perfect

gift (James 1:17). Faith is imperative if we are to be accepted by God


God definitely promises us rewards in this life. As someone has said,

"We have rewards in the ‘Nasty-now-and-now as well in ‘The Sweet-by

and-by.’" God’s Word makes it clear that the blessings of God can

only be enjoyed through faith and obedience. Deuteronomy 5:29 says, "Oh that there were such a heart in them, that they would fear

me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with

them, and with their children for ever!" Joshua 1:8 tells us, "This book

of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate

therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all

that is written therein: for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous,

and then thou shalt have good success." And Proverbs 11:31 says,

"Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more

the wicked and the sinner." Yes, faith and obedience lay hold on the

promises of God! William Barclay said, "The Christian..must aim at

that complete obedience to God in which life finds its highest

happiness, its greatest good, its perfect consummation, its peace" (2).

The secret of Abraham’s greatness was his obedience. He believed

God and he acted upon his faith. Let us today look at his rewards,

and see how that we, too, might enjoy, what we call the blessings of

Abraham. God promised Abraham five blessings or rewards for



GENESIS 12:1—"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out

of thy country, and from the kindred, and from thy father’s

house, unto a land that I WILL SHOW THEE."

A. GOD GUIDES OUR STEPS. "I will show thee.." This is the reward of direction and guidance. Does God reward us in this manner; or do we

have to face life with all the decisions and just hope things work out for

the best? Psalm 37:23 says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by

the LORD: and he delighteth in his way." By Faith:

1. We have the promise of His direction and guidance. The Psalmist talked about God’s guidance in Psalm 25:9, "The meek will

He guide in judgement: and the meek will He teach His way." Psalm

48:14 says, "For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our

guide even unto death." Isaiah 30:21 says, "And thine ears shall

hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when

ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

ILLUS: Someone has compared life to a medical prescription. The

pharmacist mixes the ingredients and produces medicine

that will help you get well. If you took those ingredients

separately, or if you changed the proportions, you might do

irreparable damage, or even cause death. God knows how

to mix the ingredients of life. We know in part, but God

knows fully and completely. And one day, when we see

Jesus Christ, God will show us the whole picture. Then we

will understand the meaning of the so-called tragedies of

life. --Warren W. Wiersbe <Turning Mountains into Mole


We must surrender our wills to His Will, and then He will direct and

guide, and then we’ll see where and what He wants for us.

2. We have the Peace of His guidance. There is peace in following and doing the will of God. Isaiah 26:3 promises, "Thou wilt keep

him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he

trusteth in thee." Notice it says there, "..whose mind is STAYED on

thee.." The word stayed is translated from a Hebrew word which

means "to prop, to lean upon, to bear up, to establish, to uphold."

Whose mind is "fixed" on the love of God, rooted and grounded in

that, and firmly persuaded of interest in it, and that nothing can

separate from it; on the covenant and promises of God, which are

firm and sure; and on the faithfulness and power of God to make

them good, and perform them; and on Christ the Son of God, and

Saviour of men; upon him as a Saviour, laying the whole stress of

their salvation on him; upon his righteousness, for their

justification; upon his blood and sacrifice, for atonement, pardon,

and cleansing; on his fulness, for the supply of their wants; on his

person, for their acceptance with God; and on his power, for their

protection and preservation (John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible).

ILLUS: There was a missionary who had been called into question

concerning an area where he was trying to build a church.

His examining committee grilled him thoroughly. It was

their feeling that he ought not to be in this particular

place. Finally, one member of the committee spoke and

asked the missionary, "Just tell us why you are trying to

build a church in that place." The missionary replied,

"Brethren, have you forgotten the doctrine of the leadership

of the Holy Spirit?"

When we by faith follow the Spirit’s leading and do the will of God we

will enjoy God’s peace!

B. GOD GUARDS OUR STEPS. I mentioned earlier that Psalm 37:23

says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he

delighteth in his way." But we need also to consider what verse 24 tells

us, "Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD up-

holdeth him with his hand." How is it that God knows when we fall? Is

it not that God is guarding our steps? He watches us continually and

guards our steps. God promises in Psalm 32:8—"I will instruct thee

and teach thee the way in which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with

mine eye."

ILLUS: At sometime during World War II, A passenger ship set sail from

Great Britain headed for port in New York City. The Captain of

the ship being afraid of enemy vessels, sought the advise and

guidance of the British Admiral. The Admiral calmly assured

the captain that no matter what happens, he should be sure to

sail his ship straight ahead. "Do not take any detours -- sail the

ship straight ahead -- continue on-ward, heading straight

towards the intended mark;" he said.

After several days of sailing across the Atlantic Ocean which

was undeniably filled with submarines and enemy vessels of all

kinds, the Captain spotted an enemy destroyer off his forward

bow. Nervously he grasped the handset and called for

assistance. The calm voice replied, "Keep on Straight, Do not

Detour, just sail the ship straight ahead. Everything will be just

fine. Just keep on going - straight ahead."

After a couple more days the ship pulled safely into the great

harbor of New York city. Shortly after docking the great British

battleship "Man-of-War" pulled into port behind the passenger

vessel. The Captain realized that while he did not see the

British Battleship, she was there, standing bye. Standing ready

to come to his defense should it prove necessary.

So it is in our lives. God is standing by. We may not always see

him there, but he is. Waiting. Bidding us onward toward the

mark...Keep your ship on course. Keep on going – straight



GENESIS 12:2a—"And I will make of thee a great nation.."

A. AN AWESOME PROMISE. God told Abraham that He would make him

a great nation. A nation is made up of people. So God told Abraham

that He would give him people. In a literal sense, as the people of the

Jews were that descended from him, and in a spiritual sense believers in

all ages and of all nations, that walk in the steps of the faith of Abram,

who are his children, and are blessed with him (John Gill’s Exposition of

the Entire Bible). When God took him from his own people, he promised

to make him the head of another people. This promise was. A great relief

to Abram's burden, for he had now no child. A great trial to Abram's

faith, for his wife had been long barren, so that if he believe, it must be

against hope, and his faith must build purely upon that power which

can out of stones raise up children unto Abraham (John Wesley’s

Explanatory Notes). In a physical sense, the great nation from Abraham

is a matter of history. That tiny nation of Israel has been blessed and

protected by God like none other and there are blessings of God yet to be

realized by that tiny nation. In the spiritual sense, all believers in every

dispensation are the seed of Abraham. Galatians 3:29 says, "And if ye

be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the


B. AN APPLIED PRINCIPLE. "I will make of thee a great nation." Now, you

may be asking, "How can this be said of me? How can God make of me

a great nation?" Just as God told Abraham that he would make of him a

great nation which involved giving him people; God makes the same

promise to you and to me. He will give us friends. He will give us a huge

family known as the Family of God. Here is another wonderful and

glorious thought: every soul you win to Christ is part of your spiritual

family. The possibility is there for you and me to have a large family

made up of souls we have won to the Lord. But for our family to grow

we must have a passion for souls. Psalm 126:5-6 tells us, "They that

sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing

precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his

sheaves with him."

ILLUS: Roger Storms, pastor of First Christian Church in Chandler,

Arizona, tells this story: "One Sunday, a car had broken down in

the alley behind our facilities, and the driver had jacked up the

car and crawled underneath to work on the problem. Suddenly,

we heard him scream for help. The jack had slipped, and the car

had come down on top of him. "Someone shouted, 'Call 9-1-1!'

and a couple of people ran for the phone. Several of our men

gathered around the large car and strained to lift it off the

trapped man. Nurses from our congregation were rounded up

and brought to the scene. Somehow the men were able to ease

the car's weight off the man and he was pulled free. Our nurses

checked him over. He was scratched up and shaken, but

otherwise okay. "When this man was in peril, people did all they

could to help—risking themselves, inconveniencing themselves.

Whatever was necessary to save this man, they were ready to try.

How we need this same attitude when it comes to rescuing those

in greatest peril--the danger of losing life eternally!" --Leadership,

Vol. 12, no. 2.

If we will have faith and obey God’s promises He will make a great nation of us, giving us souls, people for His Kingdom.


GENESIS 12:2b—"And I will make of thee a great nation, and I



favor toward us." Most of the time it refers to material and physical

things. But it also refers to spiritual blessings. Someone has said,

"most of us don’t realize how much we have to be thankful for until we

have to pay taxes on it" (3). God promised to bless Abraham. Not only

with material and physical things, but with spiritual blessings also. I

will bless thee with all manner of blessings, God promised. Everything

that Abraham had, was, and became he owed to the Blessings of God!

The same could be said of each of us!

B. THE MAGNITUDE OF THIS PROMISE. To see how God blessed Abraham one only has to read a few chapters further on in the book of

Genesis. There we see Abraham coming into great material prosperity;

and even more importantly, we see the great spiritual blessings which

came to Abraham. Genesis 12:3b tells us, "….In thee shall all the

families of the earth be blessed." Certainly God has fulfilled His

promises…the Jew [through Abraham] have blessed all nations by

giving us the Bible and Christ.." (4). Does God today still bless us

materially, physically, and spiritually? What does the BOOK say?

Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us, "Honor the LORD with thy substance, and

with the firstfruits of all thine increase: so shall thy barns be filled with

plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." 2 Peter 1:2-4

says, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge

of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as His divine power hath given

unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the know-

ledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given

unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be

partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in

the world through lust." What is the magnitude and measure of God’s

blessings to us? David said in Psalm 139:17-18—"How precious also

are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I

should count them, they are more in number than the sand.."

ILLUS: F. E. Marsh listed some of God’s blessings for His Children:

    • An acceptance that can never be questioned (Ephesians 1:6).
    • An inheritance that can never be lost (1 Peter 1:3-5).
    • A deliverance that can never be excelled (2 Corinthians 1:10).
    • A grace that can never be limited (2 Corinthians 12:9).
    • A hope that can never be disappointed (Hebrews 6:18, 19).
    • A bounty that can never be withdrawn (1 Corinthians 3:21-23).
    • A joy that need never be diminished (John 15:11).
    • A nearness to God that can never be reversed (Ephesians 2:13).
    • A peace that can never be disturbed (John 14:27).
    • A righteousness that can never be tarnished (2 Corinthians 5:21).
    • A salvation that can never be canceled (Hebrews 5:9).

How great and many are God’s blessings to us because of Faith. How much more blessings can we enjoy from obedience?


GENESIS 12:2c—"I will bless thee, AND MAKE THY NAME GREAT"

A. THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR NAME. Proverbs 22:1 says, "A good

name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather

than silver and gold." When our name is called what do people think

of? Our names and deeds go together. It is important that we keep our

names clean. God told Abraham, "I will make thy name great…" By

deserting his country he lost his name there: care not for that, (saith

God) but trust me, and I will make thee a greater name than ever thou

couldst have had there (John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes). Abraham’s

name is revered by Jews, Moslems, Christians, and even unbelievers.

The men of Babel wanted to make a name for themselves and failed

(Genesis 11:4); but Abraham trusted God and God gave him a great

name! (6)

ILLUS: Years ago the communist government in China commissioned

An author to write a biography of Hudson Taylor with the

purpose of distorting the facts and presenting him in a bad

light. They wanted to discredit the name of this consecrated

missionary of the gospel. As the author was doing his research,

he was increasingly impressed by Taylor's saintly character and

godly life, and he found it extremely difficult to carry out his

assigned task with a clear conscience. Eventually, at the risk

of losing his life, he laid aside his pen, renounced his atheism,

and received Jesus as his personal Savior. Whether we realize it

or not, our example leaves an impression on others. Let's ask

God to help us make it one of love, faith, and purity of life.

B. THE INHERITANCE OF OUR NAME. When this brief life is passed how will you and I be remember? Revelation 14:13 says, "…Blessed

are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit,

that they might rest from their labours; and their works do follow them."

Abraham, because of his faith and obedience, sure his works doth

follow him. For some four thousand years, the name of Abraham has

stood above most names in terms of fame. Not only is his name

revered by the Jewish people, but he is also revered by may other

people of the earth—from the followers of Mohammed to the followers of

Christ (7). It is how we live our lives now that determines how we will

be remembered when we leave this life.

ILLUS: In his book, I Almost Missed the Sunset, Bill Gaither writes:

Gloria and I had been married a couple of years. We were

teaching school in Alexandria, Indiana, where I had grown up,

and we wanted a piece of land where we could build a house. I

noticed the parcel south of town where cattle grazed, and I

learned it belonged to a 92-year-old retired banker named Mr.

Yule. He owned a lot of land in the area, and the word was he

would sell none of it. He gave the same speech to everyone who

inquired: "I promised the farmers they could use it for their

cattle." Gloria and I visited him at the bank. Although he was

retired, he spent a couple of hours each morning in his office.

He looked at us over the top of his bifocals. I introduced myself

and told him we were interested in a piece of his land. "Not

selling," he said pleasantly. "Promised it to a farmer for

grazing." "I know, but we teach school here and thought maybe

you'd be interested in selling it to someone planning to settle in

the area." He pursed his lips and stared at me. "What'd you say

your name was?" "Gaither. Bill Gaither." "Hmmm. Any relation

to Grover Gaither?" "Yes, Sir. He was my granddad." Mr. Yule

put down his paper and removed his glasses. "Interesting.

Grover Gaither was the best worker I ever had on my farm. Full

day's work for a day's pay. So honest. What'd you say you

wanted?" I told him again. "Let me do some thinking on it, then

come back and see me." I came back within the week, and Mr.

Yule told me he had had the property appraised. I held my

breath. "How does $3,800 sound? Would that be okay?" If that

was per acre, I would have to come up with nearly $60,000!

"$3,800?" I repeated. "Yup. Fifteen acres for $3,800." I knew it

had to be worth at least three times that. I readily accepted.

Nearly three decades later, my son and I strolled that beautiful,

lush property that had once been pasture land. "Benjy," I said,

"you've had this wonderful place to grow up through nothing

that you've done, but because of the good name of a great-

granddad you never met." "A good name is more desirable than

great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold" (Prov

22:1). -- Fresh Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching (Baker),

from the editors of Leadership.



*God promised Abraham, "Thou shalt be a blessing - That is, thy life shall

be a blessing to the places where thou shalt sojourn" (John Wesley’s

Explanatory Notes). To all that knew him and conversed with him, they

receiving spiritual light and knowledge by means of his instruction, and to

all that should hear and read of his faith and piety, being encouraged by

his example (John Gill’s Exposition of the Whole Bible). I believe each born-

again believer wants his life to count for God and be a blessing to others!

How do we accomplish this? It takes two things:

A. DESIRE. The word DESIRE means "To wish or long for; to crave." To

be a blessing should be the desire and prayer of every child of God:

"Lord, make me a channel of blessing today." Do you look for

opportunities to be a blessing to others? Oliver Wendell Holmes said,

"The human race is divided into two classes—those who go ahead and

do something and those who sit still and inquire, ‘Why wasn’t it done

the other way?’" (8) If we are going to be a blessing, we must have

desire, but also we must have…

B. DETERMINATION. The word DETERMINATION means "The move-ment toward some object or end." Many times we call it "drive". We

must have desire and determination if we are going to be a blessing

to others. Desire without determination leads to apathy. The core

problem is not that we are too passionate about bad things, but that

we are not passionate enough about good things. -- Larry Crabb.

Leadership, Vol. 15, no. 2. A little saying goes, "Get your tools ready

and God will find work for you." If we have the desire and the

determination, then God will put someone in our lives that we can be

a blessing to.

ILLUS: Which disturbs you the most? A soul lost in hell or a scratch

on your new car? Your missing the worship service or

missing a day’s work? Your church not growing or your

garden not growing? The church work neglected or house-

work neglected? Missing a Bible study or missing your

favorite TV program? The cry of the multitude for bread or

your desire for another piece of cake? (9)

May our prayer today be, Lord, make me a channel of blessing today!

CLOSING: An important lesson we learn from Abraham and the promises God

made to him is that when God blesses us it is so we can bless

others. God’s blessings are not to be enjoyed selfishly, but they are

to be used to bless others. "I will bless thee" is to be followed by

"thou shalt be a blessing." (10)

Friend, there are rewards for obedience. Are you realizing in your

life these blessing? God promised to give Abraham (1) a land; (2) a

great name; (3) a great nation; and (4) a blessing that would spread

to the whole world. It took a good deal of faith for Abraham to

respond to these promises for he had no children, and he and his

wife were getting old. Note the repeated "I will" from the lips of

God. God would do it all if only Abraham would believe and obey.

Friend, will you miss out on the greatest blessings of God because

you fail to obey Him?

NOTES: 1. Oliver B. Greene. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews.

pp. 452-453.

2. Albert M. Wells, Jr. Inspiring Quotations-Contemporary &

Classical. p. 143.

    1. Well. p. 202.
    2. Warren W. Wiersbe. Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the Old
    3. Testament. p. 39.

    4. Robert J. Morgan. Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories,
    5. Illustrations & Quotes. p. 76.

    6. Wiersbe. p. 39.
    7. John G. Butler. Abraham—The Father of the Jews. p. 24.
    8. Wells. p. 100.
    9. Wells. p. 10.

10. Wells. p. 24.