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Let me introduce myself

Posted by: mtauriel <mtauriel@...>

Hi everyone,

My name is Maureen Tauriello and I play guitar in the music ministry at
St. Paul the Apostle Church in Irvington NJ. We are called the "Folk
Choir" but that is a throwback to the 60's and 70's never came up with
another name. We do a mixture leaning more to contemporary but we only
have guitars so we don't really "rock out". Most of our group has been
together about 20 years. There are 7 of us with three guitars.

I am basically self taught so I am by no means a great guitar player,
but I do enjoy it and God seems to want me where I am so I'm going with it.

I play a Yamaha 12 string acoustic guitar, (sorry I don't know what the
model number is).

Personally, I am married for 26 years to a wonderful guy who is also
involved in the music ministry with me as a vocalist. We have three
Children aged 23,21, 15. and one grandchild who will be two in March.
I have a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Seton Hall
University and am currently pursuing a graduate certificate in
Liturgical Studies at Felician college. I work at Drew University as
the assistant director of information services in the alumni development

Well that's me in a nutshell.... any questions fire away!!! 🙂

Maureen Tauriello