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Light Your Candle Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Light Your Candle"

Light the candle in your soul,
Carry it into the dark.
If you find a flame that's lost its glow
Light it with a spark.

The flame only grows brighter
When it gives another light,
And a billion burning candles
Can drive away the night.

Believe in yourself to the depth of your being,
Nourish the talents your spirit is freeing.
Know in your heart when the going gets slow,
That your faith in yourself will continue to grow.
Don't forfeit ambition when others may doubt,
It's your life to live, you must live it throughout.
Learn from your errors, don't dwell in the past,
Never withdraw from a world that is vast.
Believe in yourself, find the best that is you,
Let your spirit prevail, "Steer a course that is true."

Hold up your candle for all to see,
Reach from shore to shore,
And light the world with kindness
Now and forever more!


"How Are You?"

Every Day I am asked "How are you?" My response is always,
"Fine, thank you" But what I would really like to say is,
"Yes...I am O.K."

I Have My Sight...although not perfect, I can still see the
glorious sunsets, the antics of a puppy, the smile of a child,
and the most important...I can see if there are any bugs in
my food.

I Have My Hearing...even though impaired I can hear the music
that takes the wrinkles out of my day. I can hear others tell
me they love me! And every morning I can hear the snap,
crackle, and pop...even if it isn't the cereal.

I Have My sense Of Smell...although marred with allergies
I could tell if the house is on fire, or the baby needs changing.
Oh and isn't it heavenly to smell that first cup of coffee in
the morning?

I Still Have My Sense Of Taste...I can tell when something
has gone bad or sour, even though I have to wonder about
my own cooking sometimes.

I Still Have My sense Of Touch...even though some people
say I am really touched...The joy of touching another, loving
another, petting your cat, makes you feel you are not alone...

I am O.K. you see.
I can walk, even though I may stumble --
I can talk, sometimes without stopping --
I can laugh, even when nothing is funny --
and I can cry, anytime I want to....
In fact, I think I am better than just Okay!
How about you my friend?
Author Unknown

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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