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Like a Pumpkin Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Like A Pumkin"

Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin.
God lifts you up, takes you in,
And washes all the dirt off of you.
He opens you up, touches you deep
Inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of
doubt, Hate, greed, etc.
Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His Light inside you to
shine for all the world to see.
"The Church Goes On"
He really planned to go to Church
He knew it was important, and would help him in his life,
Because of all the turmoil that he faced, and all the strife.
But somehow days just slipped away, and then the months and years,
While he kept struggling with his guilt, his problems and his fears, and so, the church went on without him.
He said he soon would go to church.
He often recalled the childhood times he went to Sunday School,
And how he learnt John 3:16, and said the Golden Rule.
And he remembered pictures taken with his blushing bride,
While at the alter vows were said, as they stood side by side.
But now, the church went on without him.
He truly meant to go to church.
He worked so many hours each week, and when the weekend came,
He needed time just to relax, or practice his golf game.
And there were dozens of small tasks that he alone could do.
Before he even finished them, his weekend time was through
and so, the church went on without him.
He promised he would go to church.
When friends and family begged him, he had lots of reasons why the time was not convenient, but it would be by and by,
Soon things would settle down, and he would have more time to do
The countless tasks that he'd out off, and some that were brand new.
But still the church went on without him.
He finally went to church.
His friends all came to see him, and to say a last farewell.
And many eyes were teary as they heard his funeral knell.
They thought of all the wasted years, and blessings cast aside,
Because he thought he'd find the time for church before he died
And still, the church goes on without him.
Author: Betty Jo Mings
Have a Blessed Weekend
Dave and Barbara
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