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Lilac Update - Shipping

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Just thought I'd let everyone know the update on the lilacs. Pam, Bel and
Debbie came with their children this morning and we had a lovely day. They
had wanted to learn to make soap so, we had a soap lesson, made a bunch of
whole wheat pizza to feed the crowd and sent the boys digging lilacs. They
dug somewhere around 100 plants and didn't even make a dent in all the new
growth...ugh...round-up here I come!

Pam graciously offered to take the plants home and box them. She and hubby
have a home business and have regular UPS pick-up at their home. It will
cost about $5 per package to be sent out. We put 10 plants in each package
except for person requested we packed 25 for them. The
persons that requested the plants will need to reimburse Pam for the postage
rather than I. She email you individually. We are still needing some folks
addresses or they won't be shipped tomorrow. Don't know how long we can
keep them alive out of the ground....Deanna