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Lisa - Dani?

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

Any update on this, Lisa?
Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!
----- Original Message -----
Please be praying for Dani, my oldest son's "significant other". She has been battling an eye infection which the specialist thought was toxoplasmosis in her eye. He said she could have caught it by touching her eye after changing their cats' litter box. He treated her with meds but she didn't respond. She has been legally blind in that eye since the infection was detected.
Last Thursday, the doctor dropped a bombshell on Dani and Dustin. He told her that after consulting with another specialist and looking at photos, he believes she has Aspergillosis in her eye. It is a fungal infection caused by the Aspergillis mold spore which is everywhere. There are several types of situations caused by the spore. He believes she may have the invasive type, and if so, she will die from it. You can imagine how horrible it would be to hear that at 24 years of age! He said even with treatment, which is horribly expensive, most people die.
Tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. Texas time, Dani will undergo surgery to remove fluid and "floaters" from her eye. I believe the doctor will have the fluid biopsied to confirm or disprove his diagnosis. His office is trying to find an infectious disease specialist that will accept her insurance.  
Dani hasn't worked for months, and Dustin makes enough to barely cover rent and necessities. They don't even have enough money for gas to travel to other cities for treatment. Dani is an only child, her mom a single parent, so she has limited extended family able to help. We may be able to help some financially, but can't afford to do all she will need.
Please pray the surgery goes well and pray she does NOT have Invasive Aspergillosis, that whatever she does have can be treated and her vision restored. Also please pray for financial provision for all the medical care she is receiving. I've told Dustin to explore every possibility of any help she might be able to receive. The specialist financially equated her treatment with someone receiving chemo. Antifungal drugs often cause kidney and liver damage so while they might help with the infection, they may destroy other parts of her body. With no assets, no savings, and no way to work right now, it's a lot to handle. More than that, being told you likely have something that is going to kill you is awful. I'm not sure what Dani believes, but she's not a born again Christian. I'm praying she will turn to the Lord for help and surrender to Him.
Thank you!
Lisa NM

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