Quote from Forum Archives on October 12, 2001, 7:11 pmPosted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>
Lisa I used the nylon covers and found them to be fine. However, several of
my friends have purchased the really expensive covers on ebay for about the
price of the nylon covers. The nylon covers do wear out and if you end up
having to bleach them they will get brittle and the part that makes them
waterproof starts to get cracks in it. Several friends that have purchased
the more expensive covers off ebay have been able to resell them for the
same price they purchased them. Usually friends wanted them because they
are in demand.In regards to the diapers. You can find the diaper service diapers on ebay
but you have to be careful to determine the amount of use. I have several
friends with very large families and they attest to the fact that the
diapers for sale through Mary Pride are worth the hefty price. They've been
able to use them through 3-4 children. Deanna
Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>
my friends have purchased the really expensive covers on ebay for about the
price of the nylon covers. The nylon covers do wear out and if you end up
having to bleach them they will get brittle and the part that makes them
waterproof starts to get cracks in it. Several friends that have purchased
the more expensive covers off ebay have been able to resell them for the
same price they purchased them. Usually friends wanted them because they
are in demand.
In regards to the diapers. You can find the diaper service diapers on ebay
but you have to be careful to determine the amount of use. I have several
friends with very large families and they attest to the fact that the
diapers for sale through Mary Pride are worth the hefty price. They've been
able to use them through 3-4 children. Deanna