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Lisa/Dietz Lantern

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Actually Lisa it doesn't have to be an original Dietz. Wal-Mart sells a
Dietz knock off that works just as well. They are about $8 at Wal-Mart.
You will find them in the camping section. They only sell red ones. Dietz
has them in many sizes and colors though. Marci is right they are a bit
more expensive. It'll cost about $20 for the same size lantern made by
Dietz as you will get for the $8 at Wal-Mart. My former Amish neighbors
used both brands...I think the one Wal-Mart carries is I&O. The Wal-Mart
lanterns work just as well but don't last as long. They have a tendency to
rust quicker and therefore the tanks (the part that holds the kerosene)
starts to leak which makes them dangerous. It takes about 2 years of
regular use and hanging the Wal-Mart version in the chicken house before you
have to replace it vs. a Dietz which will last 5 years or so. If you aren't
quite sure if you'd really use it the Walmart brand my be a good first
investment. Don't be alarmed by the minimal light they put out. It's
enough for the chicken's internal time clock. Even though we now have
electricity we still like to take our Dietz to the barn instead of a
flashlight. My children get tired of replacing flashlight batteries or
having to try and hold the flashlight with a pail of milk in their hands.
It's just easier to light a Dietz and then blow it out.

Hope this helps....Deanna