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Lisa Drawer

Posted by: marciblu <marciblu@...>

Good for you, Lisa!! Keep at it!! Keep prodding me as well. 😀

Today, I am actually knitting a dishcloth. I need to get back to my
knitting. I have a pair of socks that have been on my needles for over a
year. I also have a shawl on another set of needles. I figure a dish cloth
is quick and easy and will get me going again. It is for my big Christmas
basket. I want to do some stuff each month. 🙂

We did not go to church today. They called via the prayer chain and said
the roads were treacherous with ice. My brothers (who plow and salt for
businesses) said it was really bad and to stay home. We were supposed to go
mattress shopping this afternoon. I guess that will have to wait.

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot
lose. Jim Elliot

Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill,
Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

----- Original Message -----

> The dresser drawer is now free of paper! I have separated the papers into
> file folders by, homeschool info, projects....and
> will now work through the folders a little each day. I threw away a large
> pile of papers and expect to pitch quite a bit more. Now, the only things
> left in the drawer are my binder of music CDs, some camera equipment, and
> cell phone accessories. It took me hours to go through what I did. I could
> have just pitched the piles, but did find some important papers mixed in
> with the junk. You can tell how long I have been shuffling the piles as
> one article was a collection of websites from 2002!!! That's pathetic,
> especially for someone who hates clutter 🙂
> Today, I will go through folders when I take breaks from the hall
> bookshelf. We really would like to sell this place at some point, so as
> I'm dejunking, I keep asking myself, "Would you want to pack and move
> this?" I love being able to open that dresser drawer now. Before, the
> weight of the papers made it almost impossible to open.
> Stick with the desk'll get 'er done!
> Lisa NM
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