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List purpose/mission

Posted by: root <root@...>

Here is the original Purpose Statement for the list. Idea-Central was
created based on the request of Rocky. So I'm not the originator - it's
simply my job to place a new moderator if possible. (-:


Idea-Central is for Christians writers, pastors, speakers, etc. to share
ideas, stories, and illustrations.

Thank you for your interest in Idea-Central, the new e-mail list for
preachers, Christian writers, Christian speakers and Bible Study teachers.

The purpose of Ideal-Central is to serve as a "clearing house" of ideas for pastors, Christian writers, Christian speakers, Bible study teachers, etc, who are constantly in search of the "perfect" story, illustration, poem, quotation, analogy, idea, etc., for the next Bible study, article or sermon they're working on. An occasional book review will also be posted to the list.

It is our objective to maintain a high level of quality of material posted to the list. For this reason, we are respectfully asking that no one post material that has been passed around for several years. Worn-out phrases or trite quotations (i.e., the family that prays together stays together) are not welcome here, either! What we're looking for are items which are fresh,contemporary and relevant.

**Original material is encouraged** However, please do not post entire
sermon manuscripts.

**Any illustration, statistic, quotation, poem, etc., which will be posted will need to include the source of such information. This request is made for those of our subscribers who write for publication and need to verify facts. Nothing is so irritating or useless as the "perfect" statistic which has no source.

***We will help each other as "research assistants." For example, someone looking for a fresh illustration to use around Thanksgiving could post a request to the list, and wait for responses. Or a request could be made for ideas for approaching a particular topic or Scripture passage.

**There will be NO criticisms of other list participants or the material
**There will be NO denominational slant.
**There will be NO discussions of theology or doctrine.

It is believed that those who participate on the list will be able to "pick and choose" the items which will be of most benefit to them in their ministries. Choose the best, and leave the rest.

REMEMBER, the ONLY way that the goals of Idea-Central can be reached and
maintained is if subscribers actively participate, contributing **QUALITY** material for the good of all.

The ONLY "advertisements" which will be allowed (books for sale, sermon tapes or manuscripts, software, etc.) will be those included in the brief "signature file" at the bottom of any message posted. Thank you again for your interest. Let's work to make Idea-Central the central place to come for ideas!

And may Christ be honored and glorified through this medium!

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