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Posted by: elkcove <elkcove@...>

Pat, I also think alot of "lists" are for companies to make money.  books, note pads, calenders, sticky notes, appointment books  etc...  Now that I think about it we are not exericsing our brains but mermorizing as much as they did yrs. ago.  I do make some lists (like grocery shopping - we buy more than "ma" did back then) but not most of  the time.  I have even tried to be a more organzied "list" person and have felt guilty for not being like "other' women- like my mother who is Queen of organization.  I think I'm just naturally not a list person.  I did buy a calender this yr. and it is sitting on my desk ready to  be filled in in hopes of being more orderly. 🙂  I have even tried the wash on Monday, bread on Tues. etc.. I cant even do that! lol

If we have so much on our plates that the refrige looks like the annual projection charts for a large company, my guess is, you got too much going on...

hmmm.  something to ponder!  I never thought about it like this.  I thought I might become a "list" person but never had that drive too.  I am joining you on the rebellion.  No lists (o.k,. almost no lists) for me!  Except maybe the homeschooling one I  spent a ton on a few months ago and have failed to implement! 🙂  God is going to be my focal point. 

don't get me wrong -- if you are good at lists go for it -- i just am not. 


And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,... and we beheld His glory... John 1:14
--- "Lockwood Family" <; wrote:

Today I was thinking about how women today make lists for everything.  Refrigerators are more like inanimate secretaries, containing all sorts of calendars, schedules etc. 
Even stay at home women have organizational charts for all kinds of things.  Just  recently someone was telling me about their new years resolutions and it sounded just like someone making out corporate goals and objectives.   Right about then I put the brakes on my brain and decided I needed to think about this for a bit.   Every day we should resolve to be a better person, not just on one day of the year.   I know my faults and failings and by the grace of God they need to be worked on every day.
In my entire life I never saw my grandmother make out lists of things to do and certainly the old ice box didn't have schedules and calendars attached to it.   I have read lots of old books  which includes the Little House series and the Anne of Green Gables books and funny thing , not one mention of Ma or Marilla making lists of things to do.   No one bought them those cutsie little magnetic THINGS TO DO pads of paper.  These women KNEW what to do.  My grandmother, and great grandmother never had bulging appointment books in their purses.   They didn't run here and there all over the place.  They had church and some errands and of course friends could stop by any time.
I went to one of those "organize your home" seminars when I was married only a few years.  Oh boy, lists for everything, was I excited.   Mondays are wash days, Tuesdays are floor washing days etc and I learned how to keep a list going of what jobs need to be done.  I bought that $20 3 ring binder and just knew I was going to be super woman.   Well, life happens.  What happened when we went to the zoo on Monday ?  Did I move Mondays chores to Tuesday, then what about Tuesdays work ? 
Today as I was thinking about all this it occurred to me that all this schedule stuff and list stuff comes from women working in the corporate world.  They had those appointment books there and somehow when they " came home" they just didn't know how to do it without a list. 
My grandmother was pretty smart, she knew the floor needed to be washed when it was dirty.   She also knew the clothes needed to be washed when you started to run out of clean things to wear or the piles of dirty clothes told you it was time to get that ringer going.    I never once saw Ma on Little House on the Prairie have Laura and Mary sit down to go over the list for the day on the TV show. 
I think ladies, we have bought into some sort of system of the modern corporate world.   I am going to rebel.  I am not a corporate woman.  I don't need a label to tell me where the flour is, or color coded tabs on my drawers to point me in the right direction of the scotch tape.  I can see when the floor needs washing.   We can think on our own.  If we have so much on our plates that the refrige looks like the annual projection charts for a large company, my guess is, you got too much going on.  Take a day as it comes.  When it comes time for your funeral, its pretty doubtful people are going to stand around and say, " oh my yes, she was so organized and her palm pilot had the best reminders on it."   I just guess it will be the same as it has been for hundreds of years.  When you die, they are gunna talk about how kind or mean you were and how much time you had for people.    It doesn't matter if you had your work assignments laid out in primary colors on a chart hanging in the kitchen, no one is going to care about that stuff when you are dead and gone. 
In the long run, no one is going to care if you were brownie leader, took the kids to umpteen million lessons and ran around like a chicken with your head cut off.  What will matter is that you were stress free and had time for others, real time. That simple contentment that comes from being stress free.  Having time to say, "oh the floor can wait till tomorrow.  I need to take this meal to a neighbor".   I am 51 and no one cares I took ballet lessons when I was a kid.   NO one.    No one cares that there is dust on my piano when I take the time to set out tea for a friend that stopped by.  Yes, friends do stop by un announced here, because I have time.  There is no chart on my fridge.  Just like in the old days. 
Nana had time to visit ! 

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