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"Little Bad Leroy Brown"

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

 Several years ago, I attended a church whereby
the minister had several children.  His youngest
child left no doubt in anyone's mind that he was
astutely aware that his father was the church head,
and that he was going to take utter and complete
advantage of it as he, repeatedly, tried the patience
of various parishioners each Sunday with his antics
and top-of-the-lung screams in the children's area
during worship service.
Finally, when most of the church was complaining
and, practically, in tears about what a little tyrant
the tot had ascribed to becoming, being that I have
never been able to stomach unruly children who are
aware that they themselves are unruly and are
capitalizing on it due to "position," I volunteered to
oversee the children's section during times of
worship, since everyone else shuttered at the idea
when asked.  However, having been in the army, I
determined that it was my sworn military duty to
volunteer my services.
Upon acceptance, my plans were to cast the
demon of irritancy out of this little fellow with my
bare hands.  And, if that little ploy failed, I would
then resort to the ultimate step...resorting to an
unmentionable and attributing the act to either
temporary insanity, atonement for past sins, a
divine retro and modern day altar sacrifice
request from God, or strongest defense,
probably all of the above.
Well, when I anted up and volunteered for this duty
to the pastor and his wife, I must have had the
same (some say evil, but I beg to differ) expression
that Jack Nicholson wore in both "Batman" and "The
Shining" because, in response, the minister's wife
suddenly donned a horrid facial expression and
"No!  We won't need you to monitor the children
during service!  We will handle it!  Thank you for
your interest!"
Feeling rejected, as I turned to leave, I passed a
mirror in the hallway.  From my peripheral vision, I
distinctly thought I saw a hint of red hue in my eyes
and the last faint puffs of smoke descending from
my nose.
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A Friend Who's Able:
I've found a friend who's able
He's always by my side
He cared enough to give His life
In Him I can confide.
He helps me when I'm feeling down
He wants to help you too
Through Him, your life will be transformed
Your mind, He'll mould anew.
So many people fail to find
This friend I know so well
But He is here for all who seek
So listen as I tell.
Of His undying love for you
Your broken heart He'll mend
Just simply ask Him to come in
A helping hand He'll lend.
But who is this I talk about?
I hear you ask aloud
The man who made a difference
Who stood out from the crowd.
This man is known by many names
I love to call Him friend
His Father named Him Jesus
And His Kingdom will not end.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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