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Little prayer request

Posted by: gladheart <gladheart@...>

Hello my praying sisters~

Just a quick note, I just talked the landlord of the building where the baby
store is currently located. She was very encouraging that she would like the
same sort of store there, agreeing that there is a great need BUT when I
mentioned that we have 7 children and they would be with there with me/us
she said that she will have to consider it more; she said she would keep an
open mind and is not saying no but is somewhat pessimistic. Apparently she
has had problems there with children before. Of course I know my children
and their temperments and know that it won't be a problem (plus the fact
that we lived 2 years in a schoolbus travelling and live in 900 sq ft now,
they are used to small spaces! lol) so I just asked her to talk to the
current owner who knows our family and may be able to give a character
reference. Please pray that if it is the Lord's will for us to be in that
spot that the door would open. Retail rents here are somewhat hard to find
and expensive. Thanks!!!

Gladheart Acres
Palmer Alaska