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Living with out Electricity

Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>

Hi Ladies,

I have been thinking about living without hydro lately and have a few questions
I would appreciate your imput on. For those of you who have lived near the
Amish, do they live with out electricity or just without hydro, having solar
panels, and generators? Also, for those of you who have been or are 'off the
grid' is it difficult to convert an existing house with electric wiring to
solar/generator power, or is it less trouble to start from scratch and build new
with that in mind. I would some day like to be 'off the grid' and wonder what
would be the best way to go about it. We sometimes think we would like to move
somewhere with more land, but G-d has not yet told us to do that. It is a very
long story, but we have this place, by the grace of G-d, and I'm not moving
until he says so. It is interesting over the last year, just about each time I
think we should look for somewhere with more land so we can expand our angoras
more, a neighbour mentions something about putting livestock on their un-used
land. One of our neighbours even asked if our goats would keep the brush down.
Her husband suffered a heart attack a few years back and can no longer do it.
We haven't reached enough numbers to be out growing our 4 acres yet. I try to
wait for directions from G-d, but sometimes get greedy and desire more land.
Peace and grace to you all,

Naturewood Farm & Fiber
Ashford Spinning Wheels and Looms
White & Colored Angoras, Llamas,
Olde English Southdown Sheep

"The way of a fool seems right to him,"

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isiah 55:8-9