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Long from Doc Sherri

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Good morning........I will sit here as long as I can...still have to lay or stay down another 48 hours..(sigh). The bed and I know each other very well........but then the hospital and I do too.......

The 'soap opera' started a week ago on Friday early evening......... then the hospital the next morning to see what was happening. After four days they let me go home...only to return Friday for another procedure to overcome the effects of an original procedure..... then literal bed rest for at least 24 hours. But virtually nothing for 72 hours. But the head pain is now stopped from the spinal tap......... (YOU are up there, aren't
YOU! )

And do you know HOW I was to overcome the headache!!!!?!?!?!? Caffeine. Coke, Pepsi, you name it. Now that will be no big deal to most of you I am writing to but I haven't had those things since 1976. Joshua wanted to drink it so bad that I threw it out. I had to use it as a drug....not pleasure.

Sorry...... I need to not keep all of you. For those who asked:

CT scan (cat) of the brain
MRI of the head (probably the brain, too)
Doppler Carotid ( a sonogram thing)
Echo Cardiogram
MRI on the neck..require another, lower
Lumbar Puncture......(spinal tap)
and ANOTHER to put blood IN the puncture site to clot. Clot and seal it.....

The first CT Scan was read as a stroke....... I learned you can 'mourn' things other than a death..... like the 'death' of a part of your brain...... But my R.S. president said..."Sherri..what if that area was all the bad words you ever knew...and now they're gone!" I was delighted.. It is all in attitude!

But it was not a stroke........ The Neurologist sits and says......."There are........ You have..... OKAY.....I am surprised to see I have having a great deal of trouble just writing this down....... I have spent days telling everyone..."Wow!!! It WASN'T a stroke!!!!" Sounds like denial. Okay..... "Mrs. Palmer, we had a MRI and there is something.... I think you have M.S." And I ask..."What is a 'sclerosis' that I have multiples of it?" "Scarring on the brain." Okay........"What is the worst case scenario?" And he says, "Wouldn't you want to know the BEST CASE scenario? The worst is a wheel chair...." But Doctor, will I still have my brain? He answers, "Yes." "Then Doctor, there IS NO worst case............ and I will always have the best seat in the house no matter where I go....saved for me! Can you fix it?" He answers he can stop it. But that it cannot be repaired. And I reply that since I have been 'fine' then that is not a problem either. He also says that to have been 'discovered /diagnosed' at this age (here we go again..............) that I will probably never live long enough to GO INTO a wheel chair...... Bet you did not read that correctly. At 80 or 90 I still would not have progressed that far..... My friend, Kathy, says Migraines headaches will show us as scarring,
too. She lives with M.S. And I have had Migraines for thirty years...... Ever since the spinal block at our daughter's birth. Another friend walks with two canes..and he does his own yard things! Another friend's husband has had bad reactions from the Interferon he has taken. Kathy does rather well and will not take that! Another had lost her vision three times. And then the heat affects you! Remember that saga here in 'this old house'....? That means being very careful of when I work at the museum... can't be
the 'doctor' if you are too floppy to stand . And stress aggravates this..... Excuse me while I run to the other room and scream with laughter...... better than just screaming......... Stress. With a gifted child and a husband just diagnosed as ADD........ And we came in from the hospital and there was a phone message..... "We are sorry to tell you this on a message but we will not be needing you any more to do the gasoline survey. We are closing the Kansas City area......." (get that DeLynne) That is the exact amount of the rent it takes to live here in this stress free house If you have read this far you are very special people! The upside? It was not a stroke. There is someone I love dearly and her stroke wounded body
hurts me to see. Her frustration that she cannot communicate. Well, let me say that when Joan is unhappy you have no doubt but it is not words........ The care and the is astonishing. Randy (helped by Bessie) and Sephi and Serena brought in dinners..then Kathy and my dearest Joan (who loves me even when she IS frustrated) . And Serena brought Bon Bons to the hospital and Randy brought the two current women's magazines. Carroll brought a breakfast casserole for the freezer and cinnamon rolls and wonderful thick chocolate chip bar cookies. And Robin. Who brought me a lesson she had taught Sunday that I was not there to hear. Flowers......beautiful flowers from Sharon on behalf of the Museum's support group. And flowers from Sephi with dinner. And Saundra......lovely Saundra...... Carroll and I get to visit her once a month and SHE teaches US...... she sent a plate of her best Pumpkin Chocolate chip cookies. I have just sat here and eaten the very last two.... Serena sent the things for root beer floats with her dinner. Joshua says the only time we eat actual food that is good is when I have gone to the hospital..... he is a true keeper! And sharp! And has done so very much for me. My turn again, soon! How were we ever so blessed. Thank you, Ursula, for this blessing..that you have shared your son to be ours..... I love you. Then the fact that Robin sat here for hours to take care of me and watch over me. I am humbled. She brought a BYU college manual on the scriptures. And she taught me about her husband Sila, from Kenya and how very blessed we are in the country with it's wealth.... You know who is the most comfortable when they lay down on your bed to visit with you! Carroll and Robin! And Alisha and Spencer came. Spencer is my wonderful friend and aid in the 'doctor's office'... Mr. Figg..... He was 'working' Dickens with me as Mr. Figg and it stuck. And do you know what was in the bag Alisha brought in with them? A Boyd's bear. With a little ice bag on his head. Knew you would like that Gail and Joyce. And a box of assorted wonderful
herb teas and my own personal one-cup tea pot / cup / plate arrangement! And a book..about Mittford. The card was wonderful and I AM reading! And then Sandy... a basket with soap and lotions in lavender, and a
concentrate that is green tea plus herbs... Now who would know I NEED caffeine for I am rather dehydrated so now I have this concentrate!) And Macadamia nuts in a bag... and something special for the
bedtime......for sleeping. Sandy made my 'doctor's garden' at the museum and she takes care of it. Long distance calls from beloved DeLynne in Florida, Sandy in Littleton Colorado, and from Doe..... Stake Relief Society. (all beloved women) She used to visit me once a month to teach me..... Then we came to the city. And when my husband went to St. Louis yesterday he stopped and got a new 'stick' that appears to be a root..... the wood is yellow..... So now he accepts that I WANT to use a stick or a cane...... silly man
....need to use........ Okay I will remain with the Prozac too....

I am impressed if you have actually read all this..and that I am still sitting upright writing it!

Here is my address and Russ' address and you can write to him anything you want. It will be the results from all the spinal fluid that may keep the M.S. diagnosis OR rule it out. Either way I win...I have a different focus now of what I really need around me. I know you understand that, Wulfie..... I am humbled by the gifts and the the interest and the love. And I wait for the next opportunity to give back to another...........

Doc Sherri
Sherrell Farms