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Lookin' for counsel

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

As most of you know, we have had a rash of some inconveniences.  🙂  Saturday was chicken butchering day and I am wondering if this is another "test" for us, or something to be dealt with.  We have one customer who buys 40 to 50 chickens from us every year and also a couple of turkeys.  They have been our customer for quite a few years.  The only problem we have had with them is either last year or the year before, I found the check they gave us for the turkeys they bought, caught in the register, so it never got deposited.  It was probably 6 months old when we found it.  We called and emailed them leaving messages, explaining the issue.  The bank said if they would verbally give us permission, we could deposit it.  We left messages telling them all of this, and never hearing from them, until they came in to purchase birds the next time.  They wrote us a check to cover both the old amount and what they owed.  They never did give much of an explanation.  Now, this year...  They ordered birds from every batch again this year.  They came for the first birds like clock work and picked up their birds.  With the second batch, I emailed all of our customers (not just those getting birds that batch) to let them know that syrup would be available on chicken pick up day.  Then on Friday (day before pick up day), I emailed everyone who was actually getting birds as a reminder.  I received and email back from them, asking how many birds they ordered this time, because they were not sure if they had room in their freezer.  I wrote them back and told them 10.  We never heard back from them and they did not show up to get their chickens.  Michael called at the end of the pick up time and left a message on their phone.  I emailed them on Sunday with a note asking if they were OK and that we had missed them on Saturday.  We have not heard anything from them at all.  How long do we give them before we sell their birds?  Do we try to find buyers for the next 2 batches (which is 25 more birds for them)?  I just wish they would communicate.  🙁  What do you think?

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

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