Looking for music
Quote from Forum Archives on March 3, 2008, 10:42 amPosted by: mtauriel <mtauriel@...>
Hi everyone,Our music director would like the guitarists to work out an instrumental version of "Were You There?" for our Good Friday service. Just wondering if any of you have TAB or enhanced guitar version that I could "borrow" before I devote too much time to trying to figure out something on my own.
We also have a guy who can double on the mandolin so if you have anything that could work on mandolin too, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Now for the really pushy part....I need it for practice this Wednesday night. If anyone can help me I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance,
Maureen Tauriello
St. Joseph Church
Maplewood, NJ 07040my email mtauriel@drew.edu
fax (at work so make sure it has my name on it) 973 408 3691
Posted by: mtauriel <mtauriel@...>
Our music director would like the guitarists to work out an instrumental version of "Were You There?" for our Good Friday service. Just wondering if any of you have TAB or enhanced guitar version that I could "borrow" before I devote too much time to trying to figure out something on my own.
We also have a guy who can double on the mandolin so if you have anything that could work on mandolin too, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Now for the really pushy part....I need it for practice this Wednesday night. If anyone can help me I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance,
Maureen Tauriello
St. Joseph Church
Maplewood, NJ 07040
my email mtauriel@drew.edu
fax (at work so make sure it has my name on it) 973 408 3691