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Lord, Help Me Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Lord, Help Me"
Help me, I pray
To get through this day.
I don't even ask
To have things my way,
Your will is okay.
Things done in your way
Are best suited to stay
In the Master Plan,
Help me to help
In any way that I can
Don't let me be
Part of the problems I see,
But let me rather be
A light unto Thee.
"That Old Country Church"
The steeple was leaning, the doors were ajar
the memories of that Old Country Church were never too far,
My parents would go and show me the way
to learn about Jesus and learn how to pray,
We sing the old hymns at the top of voice
to bring praise and glory to our number one choice,
When problems arose I'd kneel and say
I pray to you Jesus thanks for this day,
My parents had died when I was just young
but the memories they gave me could not be undone,
Now that I'm grown with a family and home
I set an example to each of my own,
I teach them the things that my parents had said,
"Believe in Jesus for he is not dead."
The memories are there I didn't have to search
I thank the Lord Jesus for That Old Country Church.
Author Unknown
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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