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Luke 11:33 - 36

Posted by: balderman <balderman@...>

Still behind……


Luke 11:33 – 36  33"No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light.34Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. 35Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness. 36If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light."


1.       First point is KEY

a.      You NEED the light of Christ!

                                                  i.      He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE

                                                ii.      He is ETERNAL Life

                                              iii.      He is the WORD

                                              iv.      He is the LIGHT of Salvation

b.      Jesus told us in John 8:12 that "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

                                                  i.      There is enough darkness in our world

                                                ii.      We NEED Light

                                              iii.      Step out of the shadows

                                              iv.      Step into the LIGHT

c.       If this is a step you are not willing to take then none of the rest matters

                                                  i.      You will remain in the darkness of sin and self

1.      FOREVER

                                                ii.      The good stuff and blessings you try to claim will remain forever just out of reach

                                              iii.      You will never have your best life now if you are unwilling to accept through FAITH the gift of GRACE that God is offering you through HIS SON Jesus.

2.      Let your light shine

a.       This is God's Light in you

b.      Shine His light everywhere you can

3.      Make sure your light is its brightest

a.       Batteries fully charged up by:

                                                  i.      The Word

                                                ii.      Prayer

                                              iii.      Church

                                              iv.      Living faith

b.      No filters/veils/shorts over your light

                                                  i.      Short circuits can drain a battery of life

1.      Are you trying to cross anything of the flesh with your light from God?

2.      Is there something in your life you are trying to power WITH God that is not OF God?

                                                ii.      Corrosion can rob your light of power

1.      What is contaminating your life?

2.      What are the acids that are slowly eating away at YOUR CONNECTION with God?

                                              iii.      Abuse can knock your light off kilter

1.      Just like using a flashlight as a hammer is a bad idea SO IS using your faith for sin and self.

a.       Just because you are saved does not mean you can sin with abandon.

b.      Forgiveness is NOT cheap and should be treasured

                                              iv.      Be careful what you let in your life

1.      Stuff of the world can dim your light

2.      Stuff of self/pride can dim your light

3.      It is possible that you can allow the darkness of the world to completely BLOCK OUT your light.

a.      Remove those veils that limit your light

                                                v.      Repent

                                              vi.      Live God's Light and life

                                            vii.      Share that light with others

4.      Let your light shine


The more of the world you try to bring into your vision the duller your light becomes. 


Stay focused on Jesus


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