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Luke 21:5 - 6 Early and incomplete draft

Posted by: pastorbob <pastorbob@...>

This is very early….any good illustrations or stories?


What do you think of separating this a bit from the teaching on the end times?


10-15               Chose what you talk about/priorities/attention


Luke 21:5-6 “Some of his disciples began talking about the majestic stonework of the Temple and the memorial decorations on the walls. But Jesus said,  "The time is coming when all these things will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!"


“Some of his disciples began talking

about the majestic stonework

of the Temple

and                                          the memorial decorations on the walls.


But Jesus said, 

"The time is coming when

all these things will be completely demolished.

Not one stone will be left on top of another!"


We tend to be a people of stuff.

We tend to be a people of pride.

We tend to be a people who are proud of our stuff.


“Oh, look at this new thing I got”

“Oh, see the pretty decorations?”

“Got me a new truck, jealous?”


We get so easily sidetracked by the stuff of the world; even the stuff at church.


I am not saying that we do not take care of God’s Stuff, or want God’s stuff to look its very best.


But sometimes we humans can go overboard and spend a lot of God’s money building huge, giant glass edifices or brick castles we forget that it is God’s money.


We forget it serves a purpose but is a tool; and not one that will last forever.


The disciples were even caught up in the glitz and glamour of the structure.


The Temple Elite were more proud of their beautiful structure than the God who allowed them to serve inside of it.

Jesus had been teaching them some very important lessons about faith, giving, the resurrection and who He really is; but they are distracted by the “majestic stonework” and “memorial decorations”


He is preparing to teach them eschatology, a very important issue for every Christian to understand.


ESCHATOLOGY:  [es cuh TOL ih gih] — a theological term that designates the study of what will happen at the end of history, particularly the event known as the SECOND COMING of Christ. The word comes from two Greek words, ‎eschatos ‎(last) and ‎logos ‎(study) - thus its definition as "the study of last things." (Nelson’s)


We will dive off into that after our Revival services.


Right now, Jesus wants their attention; they needed to focus on Him and not the building and decorations.


Telling them that everything they see will soon be completely destroyed seems like a great way to garner someone’s attention.


What in the World has captured your attention more than God?


What can so easily distract you from seeking God and listening to His Son Jesus Christ?


Sports?            Hobbies?         Facebook?       Games?           Self?                Gossip?           Backbiting?            Boasting?        Alcohol/Drugs


Stop It!  


What shiny object does our eternal enemy use to pull you off a life focused on God?




All of that “stuff” is so temporary and meaningless.


Get your attention back on the King of kings and Lord of lords!




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