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Luke 22:39-46 - notes

Posted by: balderman <balderman@...>

April 8th, 2018                       Luke 22:39-46           WAKE UP!


  1. We need regular and consistent communication with God
    1. Jesus went to pray – AS USUAL
    2. Talking to His Father was His CUSTOM
    3. It is what He did

                                                  i.      What are you known for doing?

  1. Every relationship is built on communication
    1. We talk to God to remember how much He loves us
    2. We talk to God to tell Him and remind ourselves how much we need and love Him
    3. We talk to God to share the burdens of our Heart with Him

                                                  i.      Knowing He LOVES us and WANTS to help

    1. We need this fellowship because Temptation lurks at every corner, in every nook and cranny and everywhere

                                                  i.      We are not the best at seeing them

                                                ii.      In the Air Force we were taught how be observant and spot different types of mines, trip wires and dangers.

        1. In Europe there are still many unexploded shells and mines around.
    1. We need to develop this kind of awareness….self awareness….SIN awareness…..for our lives today

                                                  i.      This awareness starts with PRAYER

  1. It is said that our TOP 5 Temptations are: Anxiety or Worry, procrastination, food (eat to much/too little), overuse of electronics or social media and laziness.  (
    1. I believe that among these is also the temptation to "beat yourself up", feel sorry for yourself, submit to the opinions of others, hold grudges, LIE and compromise your SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY in some manner (look at what you should not, go where you should not, and associate with people you should not (bad company).
  2. BUT, the reality is that we don't defend ourselves against TEMPTATION as we should.
    1. We forget HOW POWERFUL temptation is until it is too late

                                                  i.      We are trapped

                                                ii.      We are guilty

                                             iii.      We are under temptations THUMB

  1. Our hardest prayer is usually a prayer of submission to the will of God
    1. Yielding what we want
    2. Yielding what the world tries to put on us, in us or around us.
    3. Yielding everything we have to the Will of God
    4. Literal translation is "but not the will of Me but of You be done"
  2. This was a tough time of prayer  -  even for Jesus
    1. His prayer was so fervent He began to sweat

                                                  i.      Not glisten

                                                ii.      SWEAT in HUGE drops

    1. Because of His love for you
  1. WE need to WAKE UP
    1. The time for allowing our FAITH to sleep is OVER
    2. Stop hitting the snooze button of Righteousness.

                                                  i.      WAKE UP

    1. A deepening and personal relationship with God is our greatest tool against TEMPTATION
  1. The greatest tool God has given us against temptation is a growing relationship with HIM!
    1. The more we focus on Gog the LESS we focus on the temptations around us.
  2. WE need to PRAY
    1. He is God, talk AND LISTEN to Him
    2. He is God, trust AND yield to Him
    3. He is God, follow AND Obey Him
  3. WE need to YIELD our SELF, our FLESH, our EVERYTHING to GOD
  4. Not OUR will but HIS WILL


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