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Luke 23:44-56 I may be taking too big of a bite for one Sunday

Posted by: balderman <balderman@...>

July 8, 2018      Luke 23:44 – 56


  • Noon time:  Darkness until 3 PM
    • The sin of all time FOCUSED on one place and time
  • Curtain of the Temple torn in two
    • No more separation
  • Jesus dies
    • Calling out to His Father
  • Centurion becomes a believer
    • At least partially
    • This was an innocent man
  • Crowds left – sad
  • Only a few of those closest to Jesus remained
  • A believer named Joseph received permission to deal respectfully with the human remains of Jesus
    • Took Him to a borrowed, unused Tomb
      • A tomb that had yet to see death
  • Everyone left
    • Sabbath quiet settled over the land


  1. Many came to Jesus when it was all about them
    1. They stayed as long as they got what they wanted
    2. They stayed as long as there was little or no controversy
    3. They stayed as long as staying was easy

                                                  i.      They like getting free food and free health care

                                                ii.      They liked all the free stuff

        1. They liked being cared for and supported
  1. Most left when it became all about Him
    1. It was hard to stay
    2. Jesus was in trouble with the Temple
    3. Jesus was in trouble with the government
    4. Jesus was in trouble with the military
    5. It seemed like Jesus was in trouble with the whole world
  2. Even fewer remained when it became about SERVING Him
    1. Talking to people in power about taking care of His body
    2. Taking Him down from the cross
    3. Carrying Him to the borrowed Tomb
    4. Preparing the spices and burial traditions for Sunday

                                                  i.      When there was work to do for Jesus most left

  1. Everyone left when it became about Him being dead and buried.
    1. He was gone
    2. In a tomb … buried in a hole
    3. They thought His time was over
  2. It is easy to stay with Jesus when things are good
    1. Where is your faith when things get hard?
    2. Where is your obedience when service is required


Life is always changing

Sometimes life is stable and comfortable

Sometimes life is like a rabid skunk and you never know where it is going or what it is doing; all you know is that it stinks.

People come and go throughout your life.


We USE these life ISSUES as EXCUSES for leaving Jesus


We think that we can somehow live our life OUR way and STILL remain in the CENTER OF GOD'S WILL and enjoy ALL that He has prepared for us.


It is unrealistic to expect to live in peace and joy when you will not remain in Christ


It is unrealistic to expect to live in Holy provision when you will not remain in Christ


It is unrealistic to expect to live in freedom when you will not remain in Christ.


It is unrealistic to expect to walk in full grace when you will not Remain in Christ


It is unrealistic to expect to walk in love when you will not remain in Christ


It is unrealistic to expect to walk in forgiveness when you will not remain in Christ


The ONLY constant, unchanging ROCK you can depend on is Jesus Christ.  Even death did not keep Him from loving YOU.


Stay with Christ THROUGH IT ALL!  He will Carry you through all of life's issues and into Heaven's arms.


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