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LUMglobal #091 ---- 8/19/10

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

              (formerly "Hope4Kyiv")
Bi-Monthly Praise and Prayer Letter Of

             Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver

                 Life Unlimited Ministries

        "Touching Nations Here and Abroad"


                       Number  091

                 September 09, 2010

Well, hello, everyone!
We know you must be wondering what has happened to us, since we haven't written since May 30th.  Goodness! . . . THREE months!  Although we had indicated we were going to write less frequently, we didn't intend it to be that long.  We promise to write more often.  It has simply been a hectic Summer, and this letter kept being pushed to the back.  Needless to say, this will be another long one!  But, there is lots of good and exciting news!
+  Interim Pastorate -- Bob continues serving as interim pastor at FBC, Osceola.  It has been a wonderful time, and we anticipate it continuing for a season.  This Sunday there will be discussion about his possibly becoming the regular senior pastor, but we have very mixed emotions about that.  The church is very traditional, and at this stage of our ministry and lives, we would be unable to fill a traditional role with all of the expectations.  Also, we must retain time available for occasional overseas ministry trips and to speak in conferences and meetings.
It's a perplexing time in this regard, because we love the people and love what we're doing there, but are concerned that to change our role might create unrealistic expectations.  The church is in a "Catch 22" situation because it needs a strong, energized, and experienced leader, but is in a small town and is a smaller congregation that probably can only appeal to either a young and inexperienced pastor just starting out, or a retired pastor who will have limited energy and creativity.
+  Tania's Wedding:  Things have progressed with our Tania and Arto and their engagement.  They will be married October 7th in his hometown of Tempere, Finland.  Her mother, Lucy, will be permitted to come from Cuba.  We have been asked to come and to be part of the wedding, and are tying it into some ministry opportunities and a visit to Kyiv.  We will leave Springfield, MO on September 28th, returning October 14th.  Bob just got our tickets confirmed yesterday.
+  Cuba Trip:  The planned ministry trip to Cuba in November was postponed until hopefully next February or March.  The Cuban government denied a request for training pastors and wives in eastern Cuba, stating that they had already had enough religious teaching and training for 2010.  Richard and Stephanie Blake with whom we serve there are working with their contacts in Cuba to expedite a resolution to the situation.  In the meantime, no Cuba trip this year.
What's Going On:
+  Surgery For Cindy:  As we write, we are currently in Des Moines, Iowa, helping eldest daughter, Cindy, and her family as she recovers from double mastectomy surgery.  This will come as a shock to some of you because we've been out of touch so long.  Just a few weeks before they were to return to the mission field in Colombia, the doctors discovered the return of cancer, and last Friday she had surgery.  Because of the nature of the surgery, it will delay their return to Colombia until at least the end of October and perhaps longer.  We'll be here through September 17th except for week-ends when we drive back home to minister in the church in Osceola.
+  More on Interim -- Jo Ann continues providing excellence in the music field as she selects songs, stretches the scope of music, and plays piano.  Last month she invited musicians and members of the choir over for a "sing-along" in order to incorporate more songs into the services.  Had about 17 present, and believe it or not, the group went through 25 praise songs and hymns that evening.  Bob loves the preaching and teaching/training opportunities he has.  He's currently preaching through the book of Romans in AM services, and has used Wednesdays as an opportunity to do some teaching on the prayer walking ministry and recently concluded a study on "Effectively Sharing Your Faith With Confidence and Without Fear".  Sunday nights we continue watching the "America's Christian Heritage" DVD series by renowned Christian historian David Barton.  Bob thinks that if and when the time comes for our ministry there to conclude, the people will miss Jo Ann more than they will miss him.
+  Spiritual Awakening and America:  Bob began a series back in April on Spiritual Awakening and its role in America's beginnings, and finally ended it after eighteen installments.  Now he is doing a series on Islam, its origin, its beliefs, and its dangers.  There has been extraordinary response to both subjects from his "Shoulder to Shoulder" readers, including the recommendation to have it published.  That focus has assured us more than ever before that America is unique and ordained of God in extraordinary ways, likened only to the nation of Israel.  Few people realize that The Great Awakening in America which began around 1734 under Jonathan Edwards and then fueled by George Whitefield and the Wesley brothers, is the incubator out of which came the founding of America only 30 years later.  America is truly an exceptional nation.

Incidentally, if anyone would like to read Bob's "Shoulder To Shoulder" letters, drop us a note and we'll explain how to get them . . . even back issues as far back as February, 1998.
+  Visits >From Special Friends:  We have been blessed by visits from several special ministry friends.  Richard and Stephanie Blake, colleagues from the International Baptist Convention and also partners in our recent Cuba trip spend the night with us enroute to a national writers' convention in St. Louis (left pic).  Several weeks ago, Jason and Graziella Myers (center pic) stopped by on their way back to Ohio where he is doing graduate studies and she is teaching in a Magnet school.  Jason was one of our team members to Ukraine and also served as a Journeyman missionary colleague in Kyiv for two years.  They returned from Japan about a year ago.  A couple of weeks later, Joel Colon and wife Ira (right pic) spent a couple days with us as they investigate the possibility of relocating for a year in southwest Missouri.  Joel helped plant the Spanish church in Kyiv, and Ira was Bob's translator the last class he taught at St. James Bible College in Kyiv.  we had the privilege of introducing them to each other.  They just moved to Springfield earlier this week.  Most recently, then, David and Carolyn Nelson with whom we ministered in Kyiv paid us a visit before their return to overseas ministry teaching.  We got so caught up in visiting with them over lunch with Joel and Ira that we totally forgot to take a pic.  All in all, it was a Summer filled with visiting friends.  Were so glad!
+  Grandkids:  We've also had an opportunity to see five of our twelve grandchildren this Summer.  We saw Roma as he accompanied Bob and Cheri to Des Moines to help celebrate Cindy's 50th birthday.  We are definitely far too young to have a fifty-year-old daughter!!! (white jeans left pic).  We also picked up Michael, JoyLinn, and Christopher for a "Grandkids week" before Christopher, Cindy, and Kevin were to return to the mission field.  It was great fun, they were all well behaved and funny.  Grandma basically let them get away with about anything including staying up late, sleeping late, and spending all the time they wanted on Wii, Gameboy, and I-Pods.  Besides that, . . . it was very hot outside and we wanted to protect them from heat stroke.  (Yeah!, that sounds good.)  We were also blessed with another great-granddaughter, Bella.  We haven't seen her yet, but hope to.
+  Overwhelming Projects:  In addition to ministry and writing responsibilities, we have been overwhelmed this Summer with projects that seemed impossible at times.  After a very wet June and early July, we were hit, as many parts of the world, with oppressive heat for extended periods of time.  Several times we experienced temperatures exceeding 100 degrees and sometimes as high as 104 and 105.  We actually had 48 consecutive days of temperatures over 90 degrees.  Often the temperatures were accompanied by unbearable humidity.  That made tackling important projects outside next to impossible.  Sometimes we could work outside only two or three hours in the morning, exhausted for the rest of the day.  Little by little, though, we are getting things done.  The development of some "emergency" situations has also delayed their completion.
+  Termites and Carpenter Ants:  Several weeks ago our "bug exterminator" paid us a visit to do his regular spraying treatment around the house.  While there, Bob asked him to inspect the garage and workshop.  He found major termite damage in the workshop and a colony of tens of thousands of Carpenter Ants in some lumber in the garden shed.  Needless to say, that led to hiring a couple of high school boys to help tear out the workshop floor, too damaged to salvage.  The "bug guy" returned, saturated the area with his chemical spray.  Bob and the boys replaced five stringers before he then laid a new floor.  The boys returned to do more of the heavy work in lugging the shop benches and other items back into the shop.  It is now ready for Bob to begin returning all the tools and lumber to the shop.  Incidentally, the light gray sleeve on Bob's right arm in the middle pic below is the actual color of his shirt . . . the rest is pure sweat!
+  Vacation-turned-Ministry Time:  Last week we took the ministry travel trailer down to Table Rock Lake near Kimberling City, MO, and "crashed" at a spectacular U.S. Army Corps of engineers campground with the intent of going to the annual Silver Dollar City Gospel Music Festival.  We made it just one day, but loved it.  The rest of the time we were either too tired, or it was raining, or we were ministering to a family camped next to us.  John and his wife, Rebecca, were in dire straits.  As a building contractor he had not had one single job since 2008 and had lost his business.  Twelve days before we met them they had lost their house and were living in a used fifth-wheel travel trailer purchased with funds loaned to him by his parents.  They had no place to go, and had to move out of the campground because all spaces were reserved for the Labor Day week-end.
To make a long story short, they became close friends, we were able to pray with them, give them a little financial help, but more importantly put them in contact with our good friends, Norman and Karen, who let them hook their RV up to the church's connections.  Norm really took the initiative, led his church to shower them with love, provide food and money, and even found some campgrounds where they can stay for a few weeks while they remain in the area for some medical tests and appointments John, who is under great stress, has scheduled.  And, the church will pick up most of the cost on that.  We are also trying to get them up our way to do a bathroom project we've wanted to do for some time.  They can park at our place and Bob will help John install a shower in our master bathroom, reposition the tub, and lay tile on the floor.
+  Primary Elections:  Last month we attended a town hall meeting for all Primary Election candidates to present their positions on numerous issues.  Seventeen candidates representing local, state, and national offices were present.  We had an opportunity to hear each one briefly, gather printed materials, and speak to a number of them personally.  Two things were obvious . . . first, there are major differences on lots of issues, and second, we were amazed at how many candidates were deeply committed Christians.  When the Primary elections were held, we were happy to see that the majority of those we voted for were chosen to represent their party in November.  One thing is clear to us . . . Christian people absolutely Must be more involved in the process if we are to see any lasting changes.
+  Maxim in Bangkok:  Max continues his missionary service teaching ESL in a government school.  He now lives in the central part of the city.  He will be in Ukraine for a month . . . we hope to see him while we're there.  Upon his return, he will continue teaching ESL but will also begin the village ministry about which we wrote a letter or two ago.  We talk with him on Skype everytime we do the weekly "Sky-ble" study.
Here is a brief update letter we received from him a couple of days ago:  "4 months ago I wrote about my 6 months 'road plan'. Now I am more than half a way through (70%). I am arriving in Kiev on the 3 of October and staying up till the 3rd of November. There are a lot of things I must do while in Ukraine, so I am hoping that one month would be enough. Having done everything needed I am flying back to Bangkok and about to start a village ministry in Thailand. I commit myself to travel to the village at least once a month (just as a beginning, then if God Willing will be more frequent) to preach and conduct "Friendly" discussions on spiritual topics. Yeah, I know it sounds fancy........ But whatever...   I have at least one person for now who is going to assist me with translation and other stuff. In the future once again if God Willing, and this project is on wheels God would add more people to His team along the way.

Please, keep praying for the rest 30% to be done to fulfill my 'road plan'.  Thank you very much for your faithfulness, and may God bless you all!"

+  The Farsi Work:  We continue getting periodic reports from "M" and Ira as they remain faithful both at KIBC and also in "The Father's House" ministry to Farsi speakers.  Many who were living in Kyiv have returned to their home countries, including at least two or three of the key leaders of the Kyiv work.  This has resulted in some ministry modifications, but the changes have already resulted in several coming to Christ, including entire families coming to Christ.  Here are some comments from a letter I received last month from "M" about the Farsi work as well as the work at KIBC.
"I got my bachelor degree. It was exciting to know that I should no longer attend that school! Few days ago, "F" went back to [country].  It was a very sad moment for me. I said farewell to a friend with whom
I'd been spending more that 4 years of my life for more than 8 to 9 hours a day besides Saturday. I'm still trying to get over it."
  And, also, "God's been so good to us and we've come in touch with several new [fellow countrymen] in our ministry. 2 people got saved within past month and 2 believers have been baptized.  KIBC is doing well as well. The attendance has dropped but it's kind of natural for summer. I met with Karen from Boxes of Love today and told her about what God has been doing in Kiev. Meanwhile, thank you very much for the 200$ you sent. It's so needed now in our life with Ira.basically it's now our only support besides KIBC 100$ and we REALLY appreciate it." 
Finally, "Ira is doing fine as well. God's been bringing more and more women into her life and she's excited about opportunities of sharing the gospel. We're thinking to start a home group in our town and Ira is thinking to start teaching Transferable Concept series we studied with you. We either would hold it in our apartment or in Brovary guest house where Jamie used to live. The Ukrainian lady there has a heart to start a
home group as well but doesn't know how to do it so Ira thought maybe she and her start something together."

Here is a statement from his most recent personal note to me:  "Tomorrow ''V' and I are going to baptized a whole Iranian family that has believed in our Farsi ministry about 3 days ago. For some reasons, the praise report is taking me forever to write. There are soooo much things I want to include, but I'm trying to keep it short as well. So I don't know what to do. Hopefully, I'll send it out when I complete it."  So, all we can tell you is that wonderful things are happening.
+  Back In Their Home Country:  "F" and "H", as you may not know, have both returned to their home country.  We stay in touch with them periodically by way of e-mail and FB.  "F" was unable to go to either Germany or the U.S., so returned to his homeland in July, we think.  He is excited about that because he is able to disciple his two relatives who came to Christ early last Summer.  He is also meeting with a secret group, and is sharing his faith with many of his family members and friends.  Sometimes we think he is a bit reckless, but he insists that the Lord will continue protecting him.
"H" is also sharing the Gospel in his city, and is planning on linking up with "F" in the near future for some mutual planning.  Here is a message I received from him earlier this week.  You can tell by its content how sensitive things are where he lives.  "sorry for delay facebook was blocked...thank you for your prayers) we always think about you and pray for you... i talked to ["F"] and he said that he got all your messages, we going to have bible study in [city] ... i live in another city and we going to gather 1 in month and planning how we can do the best way for share the gospel in [country]  "F" said that he going to email you) say me greeting to Jo Aan)) we love you and miss you so so much)) peace and love in Christ)"
+  BUSTING OUR BUTTONS:  You can certainly imagine just how proud (extremely!  but in the right way!) we are of people like "M", "F", "V", "H", Max, Senthil, Tania, "Hearty Lou", Raidel, Igor, the three Ira's, and numerous others now scattered around the world faithfully sharing the Gospel.  It is beyond our wildest dreams that the six years we spent in Kyiv would end up being perhaps more fruitful than all the other 48 years combined.  Our cups are full . . . really full! . . . and running over! . . . actually gushing!  God is so very, very good!  Look at them all!!!  Amazing!!!  What amazing people!!!  Even still, words cannot contain what we feel in our hearts.
Coming Up:
+  Congregational Meeting:  As we noted earlier, there will be a congregational informational Q/A meeting this Sunday morning to explore the possibility of Bob becoming permanent pastor, but in a rather unorthodox role much like what we did years ago in Wisconsin.
+  Trip Overseas:  We leave September 28th for Finland where we'll spend a few days in Helsinki before Arto picks us up on Saturday, October 2nd.  We'll be with him, Tania, and Tania's mother from Cuba from Sunday until the wedding Thursday evening the 7th.  We'll go back to Helsinki the 8th, fly to Kyiv the 9th, speak at KIBC and the Spanish church the 10th, meet with friends and the Farsi group, and fly home the 14th.  By then, we'll be ready to disappear and collapse . . . but will be ready to preach again in Osceola the next Sunday.
+  The End of October:  We will attend the State Convention in Springfield where Bob has a small part in one of the sessions, and the following Friday we will be main speakers at a married couples' retreat from a local network of house churches.  We know most of the original founders of the group and are excited to reconnect with them.
+  Coming Elections:  America has been slowly and progressively let far astray of the values and principles established by our founding fathers.  Socialistic Progressivism has almost overcome our national political system in Washington, and we are in danger of completely losing our Republic.  Bob wrote extensively about this in his series on Spiritual Awakening.  If you didn't read those but would like to, drop him a line at, and he'll tell you how to get them.  Suffice it to say that preachers need to "get on the stick" as they used to prior to the 1940's, Christians need to be more engaged in the political process, and every citizen needs to cast his votes in November based on principle and not on politics or party.  We have an opportunity to begin the rescue process.  If we don't begin now, it will be too late.
+  Financial Support:  Our ministry finances continue to suffer, but God has been faithful.  If it were not for our retirement income and the interim pastorate, we'd be in very bad shape.  We praise God for those who have remained faithful.  And, we know that most people are experiencing the financial crunch, so we're not unique other than knowing it does affect our ministry capabilities.  Yet, God will remain faithful.
+  Project Completion:  Through all of this crazy Fall schedule we do actually hope to get the work finished on Bob's workshop, the master bathroom remodeling, the garage, and the garden shed.  Somewhere in the process he also wants to complete the steps on the deck renovation from a year ago, and the Sears guy should be returning to replace the engine in the riding mower we bought last October.  It burns more oil than gas at the moment, and he told us to run it until it dies and then call them back for the free replacement.
Prayer Requests:
+  Cindy and her complete recovery and reconstruction surgery.  Kevin and Christopher that they carry the bulk of the work load, for Kevin as he continues contacting pastors/churches for mission projects, and for Christopher as he fits into public school for the Fall.
+  Jim and Deanna as Jim continues leading the church in Knoxville, IL.  Jim's mother who took a fall, got infection, and is currently recuperating in temporary quarters at a nearby nursing home.  Jim's dad as he copes with the stress of it all.
+  Bob and Cheri as they enjoy the empty next and still try to help the scattered kids deal with unwise decisions and grow up.  Anya and new-born Bella, that God will provide answers and provisions for His glory.
+  Debbie and girls (Abby and Sarah are gone from the nest, and Rachel is drawing nearer high school completion.
+  Decisions regarding our role at the church.  We want what the Lord wants, but have some concerns regarding traditional expectations and possible restrictions on what we feel is the ministry He has given us.
+  Upcoming ministry opportunities in Finland, Ukraine, and stateside.  Also, for Bob as he continues plugging away at his regular writings and tries to make progress on several manuscripts people want published.  It seems to be a never-ending challenge that doesn't make as much progress as needed.
+  Coming elections and future of our country.  Partisan politics aside, there has been more actions taken and decisions made outside the halls of Congress in the past eighteen months than in any time in a century.  America is in ICU in need of far more than critical care.  No matter political affiliation, America must have godly men and women in office who honor the Lord and revere the Constitution.  Pray that November elections will be the beginning point of that urgently-needed process.  We are on the verge of losing America as we knew it.
+  Increasing evidences of spiritual awakening coming to America.  There has never been such a need since the American Revolution as there is now.  With or without the Church, America is entering a major spiritual awakening.  In the past God has used the Church because it was usable.  This time, He may find it necessary to bypass the Church . . . unless it repents and gets serious about who it is and why it is on this planet.
+  Ministry and personal finances.  Currently we are at about 35% to 40% of what is needed.  Praise God for those who have remained steadfast with us, believing in what we are called to do.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you mean to us, and for how you undergird us in prayer.  Sometimes we feel we don't have the endurance for all He wants from us, but we always find Him faithful and sufficient.  Your prayers are part of that undergirding, and we praise God for you.  Write to us when you can.  Bob --  Jo Ann --  Or, give us a call at 417-275-4854.  Bob's Facebook is either "Bob Tolliver" or  Jo Ann doesn't have Facebook . . . and is glad.
Gratefully In His Bond,
Bob and Jo Ann

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