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LUMglobal #120B -- 10/21/14

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

Hopefully you have received the first part of this issue of our praise/prayer letters, and are now ready to read the balance of our report to you.

Our hearts still pulsate with joy over what all God did during our two months in Germany.  We're even tempted to write more in spite of an already long letter. 

We can honestly say that these two months are probably two of the most dynamic and fruitful consecutive months we have experienced in the past 30 or more years.  Add to that the part of the Farsi ministry going on through "M" and his coworkers in Kiev, . . . his report is included here . . . and the past few months have been absolutely profound.

I might add that the "Farsi Reads" ministry that "F" directs in Germany is just days away from receiving some 200 good Christian books already translated into Farsi.  This will constitute the beginning of an extensive Farsi language library in Giessen available to Farsi speakers throughout the greater area.

So, . . . read on.  It thrills the two of us to simply share these brief accounts of what God is doing through "M", "M2", "H", "V", "F", and others.  How we wish you could know these guys personally.

In our next letter we want to introduce you to several separate ministries that we feel are part of our ministry even though they are totally independent from us.  This unique network of ministries reach into places like Ukraine, Sweden, Germany, China, Syria, Russia, United States, and other countries . . . and from those countries into scores of others.

Thanks so much for praying for, encouraging, and supporting us.  We are incredibly blessed.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries