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LUMglobal #124 ---- 5/27/15

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

                                  Issue #124
                                May 27, 2015

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Supporters:

Please find attached our latest, though long overdue, LUMglobal letter.  This was a difficult one to write because there was so much we wanted to share about the work here in Detroit, and we had many pictures we wanted you to see.

So, unfortunately, there are many churches we visited, places we have gone, and things we have done that we could not include.  If you have a Facebook account, you may be able to access a few photo albums Bob has posted on his page.  If you are not on his friends list, you might consider asking him to "Friend" you.

We have a great need for your prayer support, and ask that you pray for us daily.  There are many powerful spiritual strongholds in our neighborhood where we do most of our ministry.  There are many churches we still need to contact.  There are many buildings that need to be considered for a possible place for Eleos to locate.  There are many pastors who need to be encouraged and trained.  Today's letter doesn't tell half the story.

Nonetheless, please be blessed and encouraged by our report.  We are grateful the Lord brought us here, even though we often find ourselves longing to be home to a more relaxing life this time of year where we can enjoy the quiet of rural Ozarks rather than the craziness of a diverse city filled with people who seem to be scrambling to do something or go somewhere all the time.

As you will read in the letter, Dan Smith and the Eleos Team would like us to return to Detroit, and we have decided to try to do that.  We will head home to Collins on June 28th, arriving July 5th, will stay there until July 24th, and then return to Detroit for another month of ministry.

So, one of our biggest prayer requests will be for the $1,000 we will need to cover our ministry expenses while up here.  Unfortunately, some of our regular supporters seem to have forgotten us while we've been up here, so that has created a shortfall in our regular budgetary needs.  This, then, is one of our more important requests.

Feel free to drop us a note when you have time.  Melody and Danny Hoppers always keep us informed as to any letters that may come in, and, of course, we can always be contacted through our e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers.

Thanks again for being part of our lives and ministry.

In His Bond,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers

Life Unlimited Ministries
Box 228
Collins, MO 64738

Bob's E-mail ----
Jo Ann's e-mail ----
Bob's phone ---- 417-693-5149
Jo Ann's phone ---- 417-693-5313