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LUMglobal #142 -- 4/3/21

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Hello Life Unlimited Friends, Family, and InPact team!

Yes, it is actually an update praise and prayer letter.  While we've sent out brief short posts, we've not been able to take the time to give you a serious report of what has been happening in our ministry during these challenging months.

So, sit back, relax, and ask the Lord to stir your heart as we share a small portion of our story with you.  It has been quite an amazing and blessed eight months.

If you are also on one of the two chapel lists, you will get a copy there as well because we've decided to send this one to them as well, and many of them are not on the LUMglobal praise/prayer letter list.

If you need a Word document instead of PDF, drop us a personal note at [email protected] and we'll send one directly to you.  DO NOT simply hit "Reply" because it will go nowhere.  You must begin a new personal e-mail to the address.

In His Bond,

Bob and Jo Ann
The Tollivers
Life Unlimited Ministries


Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

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