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LUMglobal #144 -- 4-25-22 ---- SPECIAL UKRAINE UPDATE

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and In-Pact Partners:

We are sending this special edition of our ministry update letter to you because we want you to know some detail about how Putin's invasion of Ukraine is impacting some of the people we know from our years living in Kyiv.  And, we want you to know how God is using some of them to minister under such severe circumstances.

If you are on more than one of our four e-letters, don't be surprised or think something is wrong if you get more than one copy.

This is a very long update -- twice as long, in fact -- and with lots of additional links we hope you will visit.  We need lots of informed people who know how to pray and meet needs, so are sending it to you.

We praise God that so far nobody we know personally (of which we are aware) has been injured or killed, but the vast majority of them have been displaced as part of the more than 11 million Ukrainians who have been.

Unfortunately, news tends to get old quickly in the U.S., and people soon forget the suffering and heartache of others.  It is particularly sad when that happens even to Christians who have been urged by Jesus to minister faithfully and generously to those who suffer and are in need -- the prisoner, the widow, the orphan, the sick, the impoverished.  As this war extends longer and longer, our news media will mention it less and less, especially as face slaps, notebook computers, robberies, and shootings become of greater interest.

For that reason, we want to recommend some websites to which you can go for ongoing up-to-date information on what is happening.  These include . . .
    Euromaidan Press (an English language daily summary directly from the field) --
    Kyiv Post (a weekly English language online newspaper of news reports from Ukraine and other European countries --
    Meduza Press, an online English update specifically on the war --
    Radio Free Europe, a daily online update of Russia's invasion of Ukraine --

Be blessed -- and pray for Ukraine!

We will send a general ministry update soon.

In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,

Bob and Jo Ann
(The Tollivers)


Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries

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