Lushmeadows Fire 7/7/17 -- picture of retardant drop
Quote from Forum Archives on July 10, 2017, 2:41 pmPosted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>
Lushmeadows Fire 7/7/17 -- picture of retardant dropThe fire was started by a tree service that let a tree fall on the power lines. It started less than a quarter mile from our house.Great response from all agencies! Fire dollars at work. We were in the mandatory evacuation area, but our driveway was blocked with responder vehicles. Our neighbor had her horses loaded, but her driveway was also blocked. I was glad to get out of the way and let them do their job! We had a front row seat from our deck. There were 3 helicopters dipping water from the lake across the road and they were flying right over our house. (When we do a fish fry, we do it in a big way!)This beautiful picture was taken from Triangle Road (the big red barn is at the corner of Triangle and E Westfall).Our place is just half a mile east of the barn (at the left end of the red “cloud”).
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Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

WANNA READ THE ARCHIVES AND CATCH UP ON WHAT YOU'VE BEEN MISSING??? GO TO:----> Sign in or join up and then sign in..... Under my groups, click on HomesteadHeaven. Then under latest email messages you can click on any message and read. Once on any message there is a link at the top of the message to go to threads by date.
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