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Mac Number conversion (LSB/MSB)

Posted by: mel <mel@...>

Heres one for the thinkers...I need a couple of functions (my brains in a
fog lately...).

I am reading a file which has binary numbers stored in LSB/MSB format so
some bytes read in will look like this :

73 0 0 0 27 01 0 0

Those are basically TWO longs. The first is 73 0 0 0 (LSB->MSB) and then 27
01 0 0 is the second one. If memory serves right, the Mac stores in MSB/LSB.

I just bet someone has a real fast efficient way of turing those digits
around (they are in binary in the file). If I was still in Z80, I'd do a
rotate thru the carry. I'm not.

But I have a lot of processing to do with longs and words stored in this


Mel Patrick - theWabbitGuy -