God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Theological Triage: Christians divide from non-Christians over primary doctrines, and Christians are willing to die for these doctrines. Churches distinguish themselves from one another over secondary doctrines, yet they partner together around primary doctrines. Christians in the same church disagree with one another over tertiary doctrines, but it does not in any way decrease the intimacy of their fellowship with one another.
I plan on starting to use FutureBasic again. I have version I but I find
the upgrade price rather steep. Does anyone have experience with
MacStandardBasic; this can temporarily be had for $ 29.95 which seems very
A bit off topic. Sorry
Posted by: ernstoud <ernstoud@...>
I plan on starting to use FutureBasic again. I have version I but I find
the upgrade price rather steep. Does anyone have experience with
MacStandardBasic; this can temporarily be had for $ 29.95 which seems very