God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
To preach the eternal lostness of unbelievers without tears would be a cold and dead orthodoxy indeed. And to teach it without a great emphasis upon our own responsibility, in the light of hell, to do all we can, regardless of the cost, so that men might know the gospel – that would be totally ugly and opposed to this biblical message that those who are lost are my kind.
Anyone going to MacWorld? Is Staz going. I would love to meet some of many
people who contribute here and let "lurkers" like me learn so much. Maybe
we could meet somewhere.
Posted by: woogieco <woogieco@...>
Anyone going to MacWorld? Is Staz going. I would love to meet some of many
people who contribute here and let "lurkers" like me learn so much. Maybe
we could meet somewhere.