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Marlene my sweatin' sister in WI

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>


Hubby had to call me yesterday on his cell phone when he heard the 39 days
till possible snow fall...he knew it would encourage me. I've done a few
things that lowered the temp for today. I replaced the curtains covering
the windows on the hot side of the house with room darkening shades. The
house is 6 degrees cooler than it was at this same time yesterday and it's
supposed to be hotter today so I guess the shades are working. I love all
my windows and in the dreary winter they are lovely but in the oh cooks up the house. I came home yesterday to find all my candles
laying on their sides. They didn't melt...just sort of drooped over! I'm
going to go hunting for some cooler ties that we used when things got so hot
in TN. They are in a box somewhere? Thanks for all the suggestions.

I guess you all see why I haven't typed much in the past few days. It's
just way to hot to sit infront of the computer. Deanna in MN