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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Please keep Niki in prayer as each day she is showing signs of improvement. God is answering our prayers and  soon we hope to have a full update for you.
Marriage Check-up List   


  We pledge to love each other with the principles of the

Bible being our guide:


  From 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7:


  ~ LOVE IS PATIENT… Are we patient with each other?


  …Do we bear with one another’s weaknesses?


  ~ LOVE IS KIND… Are we treating each other with loving

kindness—and grace?


  …Are we tenderhearted in our attitudes—and our actions?


  ... Are we being cynical & critical? …Are we using cutting

humor in how we relate to one another?


  ~ IT DOES NOT ENVY… Has a spirit of envy been displayed

by either one of us?


  …Are we exhibiting discontentment or resentment in what we

have or don’t have?


  ~ IT DOES NOT BOAST; IT IS NOT PROUD… Are we being boastful…

arrogant… or haughty? ... Are we displaying an attitude of being

more superior or smarter than the other?


  ~ IT IS NOT RUDE… Are we being rude…intolerant… or harsh

with each other?


  ~ IT IS NOT SELF-SEEKING… Are we living together in partner-

ship—not allowing our individual wants to take precedence over

our relationship as a marital team?


  …Are we giving back or only taking?


  ~ IT IS NOT EASILY ANGERED… Are we being too irritable—or



  ~ IT KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS… Are we being too “historical”

with each other?


   … Are we keeping score of that which we shouldn’t?




  …Are we amusing ourselves with that which would not please God?


  ...Are we taking delight in that which we shouldn’t?


  …When we converse are we speaking the truth in love?


  ~ IT ALWAYS PROTECTS… Are we protecting each other’s feelings?


  …Do we rudely embarrass or belittle each other?


  … Can it be in any way interpreted that we’re attacking each

other’s character? 


  ~ ALWAYS TRUSTS…Are we living lives of trustworthiness?


  …Are we putting our trust in Christ? ...Do we believe the

best of our spouse?


  ~ ALWAYS HOPES…  Are there times when we’re being too quick

to assume the worst in each other? …Do we have hope because

of Christ?


  ~ ALWAYS PERSEVERES… Are we giving up too easily?


  …Are we persevering through problems & conflicts rather than

caving into them?



Grandma's Glasses   


Two small boys were discussing eye glasses.
"Wouldn't you hate to wear glasses?" one asked.
"No," answered the other, "not if I could have the kind my grandma wears! My mother says she can always see when folks are tired or discouraged or sad.  She sees when somebody is in need and she can always recognize when you have something on your mind that you need to talk over.  But the best of all she can always see something GOOD in everybody!"
The little fellow continued: "I asked my grandma one day how it was that she could see that way.  She said it was because of the way she's learned to look at things since she's gotten older.  So I'm sure it must be those glasses of hers."
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us could see each other through Grandma's glasses!
Good Friends Are like Angels, You Don't Have to See Them to Know They Are There.......



Have a Blessed Day

Dave and Barbara



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