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MaryLynn and goats

Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>

Hi MaryLynn,

Welcome to the group.
What kind of goats did you have before? I must be so lucky, we have had
goats for 5yrs, and I have never had a fence jumper. We just put up a new
little barn last year and have a small fenced yard for them. We use 5' page
wire(small holes on the bottom getting bigger to the top) and no one has
escaped so far.
What are you wanting goats for? If you are not planning on milkin them you
might want to consider angoras. They are usually(there is always the
exception) quieter, and gentle compared to dairy goats. The only down fall
is you will have to shear them 2X a year. They are meatier than a dairy if
you like to eat goat, and don't require as much grain feed.
If you just want a meat goat, boers are a good idea. They too are very
quiet, and I am told too heavy to be fence jumpers. They can be real beefy
looking, and while 100% boers are expensive, 1/2's can be bought at a
reasonable price.
Jacqui Smart

Naturewood Farm
Colored Angoras, Purebred Toggenburgs,
Llamas, Olde English Southdown Sheep