*May 2014 - Scaling Down, Prayer, Windows, Tips, Game, Recipes, Health , Teens*
Quote from Forum Archives on April 29, 2014, 5:57 pmPosted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>
Including 2 Blogs:
http://heartfilledhome.blogspot.comA categorized storehouse of information for you from past newsletters,
plus a second blog just for recipes!(Sent 6 times each year)Compiled especially for you with love by Lois Breneman~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~May 2014 - Scaling Down, Prayer, Windows, Tips, Game, Recipes, Health, Teens~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~:~*~HOW TO SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, OR CHANGE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS:New Subscribers: Please e-mail your name, city, state, and name of your referral person to jhbreneman@juno.com.
Example of New Subscriber Info: Sunny Marlow - Gatlinburg, TN - Referral: Joy Blake in PA
Change of E-mail Address: Name: Deb York - Old: deby@yahoo.com - New: deby@gmail.com
To Unsubscribe: Please reply to any newsletter.
Please do not use heart2heart@welovegod.org to subscribe, unsubscribe or correspond.
It is used to send newsletters except to Yahoo subscribers. Thanks so much!IN THIS ISSUE:
(January, March, May, July, September, and November) Just as I felt the nudge from the Lord to start "Heart to Heart" over fifteen years ago, after our youngest child had left for college, recently when I reached yet another milestone birthday (seventy), and felt a bit overwhelmed with so many things still yet to be done, I felt another nudge from the Lord. After much thought and prayer, I feel the need to scale down in order to have more time for those other important things which I still need to do while I am able.Many activities have had to be put on the back burner for several years and the time has come to send Heart to Heart only six times each year. At least through this year, if the Lord allows, you should still receive newsletters for January, March, May, July, September, and November.One of my goals is to make a large heirloom quilt for each of our grandchildren, and so far only the second quilt is almost finished. I'd love to make one for each of our three children and their spouses as well, if time allows. Our home also needs more of my uninterrupted time in order to weed out things we no longer need. That, I am finding, is a major undertaking. Then with my husband being retired, we also hope to travel and spend more time with our children and grandchildren at their requests. We try to help them with projects as much as possible, and I'm teaching our granddaughter how to sew. The second granddaughter, who is only one right now, hopefully will want to learn as well.
Please remember that there is an abundance of previous information at your fingertips at any time: http://heartfilledhome.blogspot.com, as well as http://heartfilledhomerecipes.blogspot.com.
I will continue adding to both blogs as I am able.IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE CONNECTING TO THE MAIN BLOG... which is http://heartfilledhome.blogspot.com,go first to the Recipe Blog, http://heartfilledhomerecipes.blogspot.com.
At the top right of the Recipe Blog, click on the photo of the bleeding hearts and that will automatically transfer you to the Main Blog.I don't know yet why this is happening, so until there is a solution, these directions should help.RAINBOWS OF HIS GRACE
by Jalisa Wenger - Used by permissionTears were streaming down our faces
Like a show'r of rain.
In our aching hearts we carried
So much grief and pain.
Many questions had no answers -
"Oh, dear Father, why
Did our Kendall have to leave us?"
This our troubled sigh."We'd have loved to keep him longer...
Care for him each day...
Hold him in our arms and love him...
Watch him grow and play..."
Many were the dreams we'd cherished
For the coming years.
Then we saw just shattered fragments
Through a veil of tears.Now as I reflect years later
On that time of pain,
I thank God for all the rainbows
Glistening in the rain.
Many blessings He has given
That we wouldn't know
If He had not taken Kendall
Many years ago.God used trials to refine and
Make us purer still.
Though it was a painful process,
'Twas His perfect will.
I thank God He did not leave us
Like we used to be.
He gave us deeper meaning,
To Him glory be!"Deep compassion fills my heart, Lord,
Since we've walked this road.
And I long to comfort others
Who now bear grief's load.
And I pray that though it's raining
In their hearts today,
They may see the rainbow colors
A great solution for those who still have windows that need to be washed from the outside.Forget the ladder! This is the best way ever to wash outside windows.
No wiping or drying is needed, and you won't have any spots or streaks on your windows!
You can clean 2 big sliding glass doors and 8 large windows in minutes!
These are the ingredients you need to use:
1/2 gallon warm water
1 Tbsp. liquid "Jet Dry" (Finish Rinse Aid)
2-3 Tbsp. liquid laundry detergent or dish washing soap
Mix all of the ingredients above.
Spray the windows down with a hose to wet them well.
Wipe or brush the solution onto your windows, then immediately hose it off.
You're finished! The remaining water just slides off without any wiping!MORE HOUSEHOLD TIPS
Caring for Houseplants while on Vacation ~ Most houseplants will do fine if you're gone for a week. If you need to leave small potted plants unattended inside your home longer than that while on vacation, here's a solution. Place a jar of water next to each plant. Tear an old T-shirt into strips about 1-2" wide. Place one end of a strip deep inside the jar and secure the other end in the soil of the plant with a nail or whatever will hold it securely. The strip of absorbent fabric will act as a wick to water your plants while you are gone. Some water evaporation could be prevented by placing plastic wrap over part of the jar. Be sure you won't get any furniture wet using this solution. Another remedy is to use your bathtub. Place an old towel or drop cloth in the tub first to protect your tub; then set bricks in the tub and set your plants on the bricks. Run enough water in the tub to cover the bricks. Then use T-shirt strips to act as wicks to keep your plants moist.Clever Coupon Clipper ~ Save envelopes from junk mail. I especially like to save colored envelopes. Before heading to the grocery store, write out your shopping list on the envelope and place the coupons you plan to use on the inside. That way both your list and coupons will be at your fingertips. Then when I find the product matching my coupon, I place the coupon inside my purse.
Easier Toilet Cleaning ~ Once you have your toilet very clean inside, push out the water, let the inside dry, and wax it with automobile wax. Wax the entire toilet - seat and lid as well. Let the polish dry, and buff to a shine. Because of the polish job, it will stay clean much longer.Easier Tub and Sink Cleaning ~ Wax the tub and sink after it is clean and dry. Buff to a shine, and it will cause dirt not to cling to it as before the waxing job. Be sure to use a slip-proof mat in your bathtub to prevent slipping.
3 Ways to Banish Hard Water Deposits with Vinegar ~ Soak a cloth in white vinegar, and wrap it around chrome faucets, allowing it to set for an hour or so. To clean a clogged showerhead, attach a plastic bag of white vinegar, allowing the showerhead to soak in the vinegar for an hour. Works like magic! Wipe down a shower and glass door using a Magic Eraser saturated with white vinegar.
Quick Shine to Chrome ~ Rubbing alcohol on a Terry cloth cleaning cloth makes chrome shine instantly. I like to use the wintergreen (green) kind for the great smell. It works great for a quick all-over bathroom cleanup!
Vanishing Odors ~ Air fresheners only mask odors. Disinfectants and pine oil cleaners kill odors, but some of them are strong enough to knock you out. Good old baking soda, vinegar, or Borax will get rid of odors as well. Keeping an open shallow dish of baking soda behind your toilet will help to absorb odors.Removing Blood Stains ~ I've had nurses tell me they soak blood stains in hydrogen peroxide or club soda after rinsing first in cold water - even rubbing ice over the stain first is helpful.
Old Toothpaste for Cleaning Silver Jewelry ~ Rub silver jewelry with toothpaste on an old toothbrush to make it shine.Terry Cleaning Cloths ~ I don't even call these cleaning cloths "rags," because they are so nice to use - no holes. Using thin, worn towels (without holes), I cut each bath towel into 8 sections. After rounding the corners by trimming, I zigzag each one, non-stop, all around the rounded edges with my sewing machine, assembly line style, without cutting the thread until they are all sewn. Old hand towels, dish towels and washcloths work too. Fluff them in the dryer to remove the lint before using them as cleaning cloths. I fold mine over only once and stack them in bathrooms, laundry room, and the hall closet for cleaning. When laundering them, I skip the fabric softener so they are more absorbent. We are still using cleaning cloths that used to be towels received as wedding gifts 45 years ago! If you don't have worn towels yet, check at yard sales, Salvation Army, and Goodwill.
Author unknown
This would be a great game for a bridal shower, Valentine's party, an anniversary celebration, or just for fun for your family and friends! Try it before looking at the answers at the very end of this newsletter.1. ___ Oysterman's wife? a. Grace
2. ___ Lawyer's wife? b. Amy
3. ___ Bookkeeper's wife? c. Jinnie
4. ___ Dentist's wife? d. Betty
5. ___ Capitalist's wife? e. Sophia
6. ___ Gambler's wife? f. Flora
7. ___ Shoemaker's wife? g. Belle
8. ___ Doctor's wife? h. Carrie
9. ___ Fisherman's wife? i. Octavia
10. ___ Miner's wife? j. Nettie
11. ___ Marksman's wife? k. Pearl
12. ___ Cotton Farmer's wife? l. Sue
13. ___ Civil Engineer's wife? m. Jewell
14. ___ Gardner's wife? n. Bridget
15. ___ Meteorologist's wife? o. Hattie
16. ___ Sexton's wife? p. Flossie
17. ___ Porter's wife? q. Iris18. ___ Dancing Master's wife? r. Ione
19. ___ Pianist's wife? s. Sandy
20. ___ Milliner's wife? t. Adaline21. ___ Ophthalmologist wife u. Patience
22. ___ Upholsterer's wife? v. Gail
23. ___ Oceanographer's wife? w. PeggyASKING FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE
Author unknown
A fun poem to read at a bridal shower and give to the guests to take home.
Or you could change the capitalized words to lower case and let the bridal shower guests find all the trees themselves!There was a youth so SPRUCE and neat,
Who loved a maiden wondrous sweet.
A POPLAR girl, with her he'd stray
Along the BEECH beside the BAY,
When breezes fraught with ocean air
Would softly touch her CHESTNUT hair.
Her rosy PALM in his was pressed,
To ask PAW PAW was her request.
Should he succeed, with hope elate,
She promised him, she'd fix the DATE.
He brought her home that very night.
Although he feared the DOGWOOD bite.
But for her sake he then could dare
So not a FIG then did he care.
Then spake he to the ELDER man,"To win your daughter's hand, I plan,
And for her constantly I PINE.
So, honored sir, may she be mine?"
The father said, "For one so kind
O-RANGE the world and none I'll find.
Though should she leave me, I must sigh,
For she's the APPLE of my eye.
And from my side should she be torn,
Twould pierce my heart just like a THORN."Then spake the youth, "And yet, I dare
To ask for your daughter so fair,
And truthful must I surely be
Like him who chopped the CHERRY tree.
I love the maid, in truth I do,
Her cheeks have caught the PEACHES' hue.
I long to press her TULIPS fair."
Replied the sire, "I'll bless the PEAR."WHY DO I RUN?
by Ed CunninghamWhy do I run? Tain't no mystery --
Wanna have a good medical history.
Doctor told me runnin' is great --
Helps my blood cells circulate.
Great for the lungs, great for the ticker.
Can't nothin' get ya in better shape quicker.
Feels so healthy, feels so sweet,
Pumpin' my arms and flappin' my feet.
Moldin' my muscles, firmin' my form,
Pantin' like a pack mule, sweating up a storm.
Keeps me youthful, keeps me loose,
Tightens my tummy and shrinks my caboose.
Beats bein' sluggish, beats bein' lazy --So why do I run? Maybe I'm crazy!LEEK AND POTATO SOUP
Note from Lois: I made this delicious recipe after the April 1 trick I played on my husband. I told him there was a LEEK in the bathroom sink, but what he really heard was, "There's a LEAK in the bathroom sink!"By the way, in case you didn't realize it, you can find bacon in the grocery store without any nitrates now.
Recipe by Michelle Tankersley Haines - Used by permissionhttp://crunchyinthesuburbs.com/2013/11/08/leek-potato-soup/
1 lb. bacon, thinly sliced
3 leeks
3 lbs. potatoes, diced
1 quart chicken stock (homemade is best)
1 1/2 cups Half & Half (preferably organic)
salt & pepper
1 tsp. thyme
1 bay leaf
shredded cheddar cheese
sour cream
green onionIn a large soup pot, fry your bacon over medium heat until crispy. Remove with a slotted spoon to a bowl lined with paper towels to blot off the grease. Set aside.Pour off all but 2 Tbsp. of the bacon drippings. Add your leeks to the pot and increase heat up to medium high. Season with salt, pepper, thyme and bay leaf. Stir and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until the leeks are tender.Add your diced potatoes to the pot, along with the chicken stock. You should have just enough stock to barely cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil, cover, and allow it to cook for about 20 minutes, or until the potatoes start to fall apart. Stir occasionally. You want the potatoes to start to break apart and thicken the stock.Stir in your half and half. You may need a little more or a little less to your taste. Don’t add so much that the soup becomes runny, you want it to be rich and thick. Stir the bacon in, taste the soup and adjust the seasonings.Garnish with shredded cheese, sour cream and chopped green onion.*You can also use the bacon as a garnish, but I’ve discovered that when I serve it this way Hubby Dear takes all the bacon, so I stir it in so we all get a fair shot at it 🙂* Please don’t use milk in this recipe and then say the soup tastes watery. Milk is just not the same. You need the cream. I sometimes use the cream from my raw milk if it is available, but in a pinch will get some organic half & half. And don’t talk to me about fat. The cream makes it rich and satisfying so you eat less. And milk fat is good fat. Don’t get me started. I won’t stop talking about that.CAESAR SALAD DRESSING
Yield: 1 cup1 large garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard
3 anchovy fillets
1 raw organic, pastured egg yolk
1/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. sea saltAllow the garlic and lemon juice to set for 10 minutes to take the "bite" out of the garlic. Pour garlic mixture into a blender, and add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy.
Note concerning the egg yolk and anchovies: Caesar salad dressing is traditionally made with raw eggs, but it is suggested you purchase organic, pastured eggs and wash the shell before cracking. Salmonella is the result of sick chickens so be sure the eggs you use are good quality. Using pasteurized eggs is another option if you're not comfortable using a raw yolk. Also, the addition of anchovies will not cause the dressing to taste fishy.
NATURAL DETOXIFICATIONYou will want to read the entire article, but these are the 5 natural remedies:
1. Warm Lemon Water every morning
2. Garlic
3. Avocados
4. Cilantro
For Lifting Your Mood
A long, cold winter can make some people have anxiety or depression. Pain, prolonged illness, or the illness or death of a loved one may also affect some people in the same way. Did you know there are some essential oils that can at least help lift your mood out of depression? The first one, bergamot, is known to help a great deal, but you can mix two, three (or more) of the oils together for added strength.
Bergamot, Geranium, Lemon, Lavender, Grapefruit, OrangeFor Bringing Down Swelling
Rubbing grapefruit, cyprus, lemongrass essential oil or any combination of the three will help bring down swelling. If you have swollen ankles rub a few drops on the swollen area. Soaking the feet in Epsom salts, as well as elevating the feet above the level of the heart will also help.For Removing the Sting of a Burn or Insect Bite
I keep melaleuca tea tree oil handy in the kitchen for burns. It brings instant relief and the redness disappears and a blister never forms, unless, of course, it would be severe. Lavender essential oil also is effective for burns, and they both help relieve the sting from an insect bite as well.TEENSAlthough there are a lot of studies showing that less teens are using Facebook than in the past, most teens still keep an active Facebook profile. Find out how you can keep help your teen use Facebook safely and responsibly.Search Related Topics: teens and technology internet safety for teensTeens need to know the basics about budgeting, saving and spending if we want them to become responsible adults. I interviewed a financial expert to learn what skills teens need and how to start teaching those skills now.Search Related Topics: teens and money financial skills for teensTeens are worried about more than just what they're going to do on Saturday night. A new study reveals they're anxious about money. Learn what's causing their anxiety and find out what parents are saying about it.UNPLANNED PREGNANCYIf you know of anyone struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, or hurting from a past abortion, free counseling and other resources are available:
1. by checking a phone book for a Pregnancy Resource Center and contacting them
2. by calling 800-A-FAMILY (800-232-6459).PRECIOUS GEMSI picked up a very disappointed 3 year old from preschool today. It was a make up day due to all the snow days they had. She didn't understand why they didn't do her makeup. ~ Alicia in West VirginiaIt was very windy and the electricity went off.
Greta (5), had her own version of it: " A possum crossed the road and a tree fell on it!" ~ Martha in OregonApril 1st: By 8:00 a.m. Jocelynn (6) had dumped the Lego box into Si's (8) pants drawer (after dumping the contents onto the floor), and Silas had put salt into the sugar canister. I instituted a "No pranks without permission" rule. Si immediately asked me if he could put super glue on Dad's alarm clock. This is going to be a long day! ~ Beth in OhioMy husband, Rob, often makes comments about my night owlish ways. Last night as we were on the way to the beach, Carter (3) fell asleep around 9, and I groaned saying, "I would be up with him the rest of the night." Rob made some remark about how I stay up all night anyway, so it shouldn’t matter. Eva (7) immediately piped in and said, “That’s because mommy is nocturnal, Daddy.” She sighed and continued, “I wish I were nocturnal.” ~ Elizabeth in VirginiaI was heading out the other evening to do a facial. Before I left Carter (3) gave me a big hug and a kiss, and Mia (5) gave me some good advice: “Don’t get pulled over tonight, Mommy,” she said. ~ Elizabeth in VirginiaMia (5) was upset at me the other night because I wouldn’t let her have any candy. “Well, when you are old and I have to take care of you, I won’t let you have any candy either. And I am going to eat it ALL BY MYSELF in front of you!” ~ Elizabeth in VirginiaSitting in a parking lot I hear a loud hot rod pass. Karlie (10): "Wow! That is a cool car, Mom! It has no hood and a video camera sticking out!" Ha! So cute! She was embarrassed when I told her it was the motor. I told her it was cute! ~ Julie in WashingtonOn Sunday at church Malakai (6) was singing during worship so I leaned in closer to hear his sweet little voice sing...The Alphabet Song! ~ Danielle in Alabama
How we live depends on the Master we choose. ~ Chuck Swindoll You belong to the power which you choose to obey. ~ J.B. PhillipsOne of the most courageous decisions you'll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul. ~ Brigette Nicole
Answers to Game: Name Their Wives1-k; 2-l; 3-t; 4-p; 5-r; 6-d; 7-w; 8-u; 9-j; 10-m; 11-b; 12-c;
13-n; 14-f; 15-v; 16-g; 17-h; 18-a; 19-i; 20-o; 21-q; 22-e; 23-sHAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!Ladies, I would love to hear from you anytime!
Please tell me what you liked, didn't like, or what you'd like to see included.
Simply reply to any newsletter and share your thoughts with me.I'm always looking for Precious Gems from kids (old or new would be great)!I pray each of you found something in this edition to bless, encourage and teach you!
Please remember to pray for each dear Heart to Heart lady and her family,
because so many ladies are going through very tough times and need our prayers!
Some have lost loved ones, others have lost jobs, homes, or their good health.
Pray each day for the protection of our troops, and for their families left at home,
as well as adjustment and employment after they return home.
God bless you and your family and keep you in His loving care!
Your "Heart to Heart" friend
LoisDisclaimer: Various websites may be given as credits or to supply additional information for readers. However, all the views and advertisements represented by websites in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editor. Please use your own discretion and common sense regarding all information given in this newsletter.--
To unsubscribe, send ANY message to: heart2heart-unsubscribe@welovegod.org
Posted by: jhbreneman <jhbreneman@...>
Including 2 Blogs:
plus a second blog just for recipes!
New Subscribers: Please e-mail your name, city, state, and name of your referral person to jhbreneman@juno.com.
Example of New Subscriber Info: Sunny Marlow - Gatlinburg, TN - Referral: Joy Blake in PA
Change of E-mail Address: Name: Deb York - Old: deby@yahoo.com - New: deby@gmail.com
To Unsubscribe: Please reply to any newsletter.
Please do not use heart2heart@welovegod.org to subscribe, unsubscribe or correspond.
It is used to send newsletters except to Yahoo subscribers. Thanks so much!
(January, March, May, July, September, and November) Just as I felt the nudge from the Lord to start "Heart to Heart" over fifteen years ago, after our youngest child had left for college, recently when I reached yet another milestone birthday (seventy), and felt a bit overwhelmed with so many things still yet to be done, I felt another nudge from the Lord. After much thought and prayer, I feel the need to scale down in order to have more time for those other important things which I still need to do while I am able.
One of my goals is to make a large heirloom quilt for each of our grandchildren, and so far only the second quilt is almost finished. I'd love to make one for each of our three children and their spouses as well, if time allows. Our home also needs more of my uninterrupted time in order to weed out things we no longer need. That, I am finding, is a major undertaking. Then with my husband being retired, we also hope to travel and spend more time with our children and grandchildren at their requests. We try to help them with projects as much as possible, and I'm teaching our granddaughter how to sew. The second granddaughter, who is only one right now, hopefully will want to learn as well.
Please remember that there is an abundance of previous information at your fingertips at any time: http://heartfilledhome.blogspot.com, as well as http://heartfilledhomerecipes.blogspot.com.
by Jalisa Wenger - Used by permission
Tears were streaming down our faces
Like a show'r of rain.
In our aching hearts we carried
So much grief and pain.
Many questions had no answers -
"Oh, dear Father, why
Did our Kendall have to leave us?"
This our troubled sigh.
"We'd have loved to keep him longer...
Care for him each day...
Hold him in our arms and love him...
Watch him grow and play..."
Many were the dreams we'd cherished
For the coming years.
Then we saw just shattered fragments
Through a veil of tears.
Now as I reflect years later
On that time of pain,
I thank God for all the rainbows
Glistening in the rain.
Many blessings He has given
That we wouldn't know
If He had not taken Kendall
Many years ago.
God used trials to refine and
Make us purer still.
Though it was a painful process,
'Twas His perfect will.
I thank God He did not leave us
Like we used to be.
He gave us deeper meaning,
To Him glory be!
"Deep compassion fills my heart, Lord,
Since we've walked this road.
And I long to comfort others
Who now bear grief's load.
And I pray that though it's raining
In their hearts today,
They may see the rainbow colors
Of your grace some day."
A great solution for those who still have windows that need to be washed from the outside.
Forget the ladder! This is the best way ever to wash outside windows.
No wiping or drying is needed, and you won't have any spots or streaks on your windows!
You can clean 2 big sliding glass doors and 8 large windows in minutes!
These are the ingredients you need to use:
1/2 gallon warm water
1 Tbsp. liquid "Jet Dry" (Finish Rinse Aid)
2-3 Tbsp. liquid laundry detergent or dish washing soap
Mix all of the ingredients above.
Spray the windows down with a hose to wet them well.
Wipe or brush the solution onto your windows, then immediately hose it off.
You're finished! The remaining water just slides off without any wiping!
Easier Toilet Cleaning ~ Once you have your toilet very clean inside, push out the water, let the inside dry, and wax it with automobile wax. Wax the entire toilet - seat and lid as well. Let the polish dry, and buff to a shine. Because of the polish job, it will stay clean much longer.
Easier Tub and Sink Cleaning ~ Wax the tub and sink after it is clean and dry. Buff to a shine, and it will cause dirt not to cling to it as before the waxing job. Be sure to use a slip-proof mat in your bathtub to prevent slipping.
3 Ways to Banish Hard Water Deposits with Vinegar ~ Soak a cloth in white vinegar, and wrap it around chrome faucets, allowing it to set for an hour or so. To clean a clogged showerhead, attach a plastic bag of white vinegar, allowing the showerhead to soak in the vinegar for an hour. Works like magic! Wipe down a shower and glass door using a Magic Eraser saturated with white vinegar.
Quick Shine to Chrome ~ Rubbing alcohol on a Terry cloth cleaning cloth makes chrome shine instantly. I like to use the wintergreen (green) kind for the great smell. It works great for a quick all-over bathroom cleanup!
Vanishing Odors ~ Air fresheners only mask odors. Disinfectants and pine oil cleaners kill odors, but some of them are strong enough to knock you out. Good old baking soda, vinegar, or Borax will get rid of odors as well. Keeping an open shallow dish of baking soda behind your toilet will help to absorb odors.
Removing Blood Stains ~ I've had nurses tell me they soak blood stains in hydrogen peroxide or club soda after rinsing first in cold water - even rubbing ice over the stain first is helpful.
Old Toothpaste for Cleaning Silver Jewelry ~ Rub silver jewelry with toothpaste on an old toothbrush to make it shine.
Author unknown
This would be a great game for a bridal shower, Valentine's party, an anniversary celebration, or just for fun for your family and friends! Try it before looking at the answers at the very end of this newsletter.
1. ___ Oysterman's wife? a. Grace
2. ___ Lawyer's wife? b. Amy
3. ___ Bookkeeper's wife? c. Jinnie
4. ___ Dentist's wife? d. Betty
5. ___ Capitalist's wife? e. Sophia
6. ___ Gambler's wife? f. Flora
7. ___ Shoemaker's wife? g. Belle
8. ___ Doctor's wife? h. Carrie
9. ___ Fisherman's wife? i. Octavia
10. ___ Miner's wife? j. Nettie
11. ___ Marksman's wife? k. Pearl
12. ___ Cotton Farmer's wife? l. Sue
13. ___ Civil Engineer's wife? m. Jewell
14. ___ Gardner's wife? n. Bridget
15. ___ Meteorologist's wife? o. Hattie
16. ___ Sexton's wife? p. Flossie
17. ___ Porter's wife? q. Iris
19. ___ Pianist's wife? s. Sandy
20. ___ Milliner's wife? t. Adaline
22. ___ Upholsterer's wife? v. Gail
23. ___ Oceanographer's wife? w. Peggy
Author unknown
A fun poem to read at a bridal shower and give to the guests to take home.
Or you could change the capitalized words to lower case and let the bridal shower guests find all the trees themselves!
There was a youth so SPRUCE and neat,
Who loved a maiden wondrous sweet.
A POPLAR girl, with her he'd stray
Along the BEECH beside the BAY,
When breezes fraught with ocean air
Would softly touch her CHESTNUT hair.
Her rosy PALM in his was pressed,
To ask PAW PAW was her request.
Should he succeed, with hope elate,
She promised him, she'd fix the DATE.
He brought her home that very night.
Although he feared the DOGWOOD bite.
But for her sake he then could dare
So not a FIG then did he care.
Then spake he to the ELDER man,
And for her constantly I PINE.
So, honored sir, may she be mine?"
The father said, "For one so kind
O-RANGE the world and none I'll find.
Though should she leave me, I must sigh,
For she's the APPLE of my eye.
And from my side should she be torn,
Twould pierce my heart just like a THORN."
To ask for your daughter so fair,
And truthful must I surely be
Like him who chopped the CHERRY tree.
I love the maid, in truth I do,
Her cheeks have caught the PEACHES' hue.
I long to press her TULIPS fair."
Replied the sire, "I'll bless the PEAR."
by Ed Cunningham
Why do I run? Tain't no mystery --
Wanna have a good medical history.
Doctor told me runnin' is great --
Helps my blood cells circulate.
Great for the lungs, great for the ticker.
Can't nothin' get ya in better shape quicker.
Feels so healthy, feels so sweet,
Pumpin' my arms and flappin' my feet.
Moldin' my muscles, firmin' my form,
Pantin' like a pack mule, sweating up a storm.
Keeps me youthful, keeps me loose,
Tightens my tummy and shrinks my caboose.
Beats bein' sluggish, beats bein' lazy --
Note from Lois: I made this delicious recipe after the April 1 trick I played on my husband. I told him there was a LEEK in the bathroom sink, but what he really heard was, "There's a LEAK in the bathroom sink!"
1 lb. bacon, thinly sliced
3 leeks
3 lbs. potatoes, diced
1 quart chicken stock (homemade is best)
1 1/2 cups Half & Half (preferably organic)
salt & pepper
1 tsp. thyme
1 bay leaf
shredded cheddar cheese
sour cream
green onion
Yield: 1 cup
1 large garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard
3 anchovy fillets
1 raw organic, pastured egg yolk
1/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. sea salt
Allow the garlic and lemon juice to set for 10 minutes to take the "bite" out of the garlic. Pour garlic mixture into a blender, and add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth and creamy.
Note concerning the egg yolk and anchovies: Caesar salad dressing is traditionally made with raw eggs, but it is suggested you purchase organic, pastured eggs and wash the shell before cracking. Salmonella is the result of sick chickens so be sure the eggs you use are good quality. Using pasteurized eggs is another option if you're not comfortable using a raw yolk. Also, the addition of anchovies will not cause the dressing to taste fishy.
1. Warm Lemon Water every morning
2. Garlic
3. Avocados
4. Cilantro
5. Tumeric
For Lifting Your Mood
A long, cold winter can make some people have anxiety or depression. Pain, prolonged illness, or the illness or death of a loved one may also affect some people in the same way. Did you know there are some essential oils that can at least help lift your mood out of depression? The first one, bergamot, is known to help a great deal, but you can mix two, three (or more) of the oils together for added strength.
Bergamot, Geranium, Lemon, Lavender, Grapefruit, Orange
For Bringing Down Swelling
Rubbing grapefruit, cyprus, lemongrass essential oil or any combination of the three will help bring down swelling. If you have swollen ankles rub a few drops on the swollen area. Soaking the feet in Epsom salts, as well as elevating the feet above the level of the heart will also help.
For Removing the Sting of a Burn or Insect Bite
1. by checking a phone book for a Pregnancy Resource Center and contacting them
2. by calling 800-A-FAMILY (800-232-6459).
Greta (5), had her own version of it: " A possum crossed the road and a tree fell on it!" ~ Martha in Oregon
How we live depends on the Master we choose. ~ Chuck Swindoll You belong to the power which you choose to obey. ~ J.B. Phillips
One of the most courageous decisions you'll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul. ~ Brigette Nicole
Answers to Game: Name Their Wives
13-n; 14-f; 15-v; 16-g; 17-h; 18-a; 19-i; 20-o; 21-q; 22-e; 23-s
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I pray each of you found something in this edition to bless, encourage and teach you!
Please remember to pray for each dear Heart to Heart lady and her family,
because so many ladies are going through very tough times and need our prayers!
Some have lost loved ones, others have lost jobs, homes, or their good health.
Pray each day for the protection of our troops, and for their families left at home,
as well as adjustment and employment after they return home.
God bless you and your family and keep you in His loving care!
Your "Heart to Heart" friend
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