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Member Info

Posted by: meow <meow@...>

Hi everyone. I joined several weeks ago and
never got around to introducing myself so
when this email came I thought it would be the
perfect opportunity 🙂

Name: Maggie
Age: 38
Location: Southcentral Wisconsin
Approximately when you joined the list: a couple weeks ago
Married? Yes How long? 4 years
Number of children, sex and age of each:
1 daughter, Rebekah, 20 months old. Another baby due
at the end of June, a boy, Stephen.
Do you homeschool: no
Occupation if outside the home: none
Do you live on a homestead or do you hope to some day? we
live on the family farm
What sorts of animals do you have, raise, if any?
horses, beef cattle, peafowl, chickens, ducks, cats, dogs
Hobbies: love to read, garden, watch the critters 🙂
Favorite Publication(s), magazines etc.: okay, I admit I like
Martha Stewart, some of her how-to articles are good plus
she's a chicken lover :). I also like Country Journal, Kitchen
Gardener, Western Horseman.
What do you enjoy about our little "home away from home"?
I like getting to know people who live like I do 🙂

God bless,
Maggie Delaney Trussler
"One can never have too many cats"
>^..^< >^..^<

Sleepy Woods Farm
Delavan, WI USA