"MERCY over JUDGEMENT" - Andrew Strom.
Quote from Forum Archives on October 6, 2004, 11:39 amPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Andrew Strom (and others).There are people in the world today who, with a spirit of hate and
envy, would like to see America ground to powder, and would
rejoice to see God "bury" her. But this is not what God is saying
or doing. I have spoken before about the unique place that the USA
holds because she is the last "Land of Revivals" in the West. She
is the only nation that I have ever come across that has a 250-year
history of regular Great Awakenings. She has had five great waves
of Revival - exceeding even Wales. And this is why God will not
let America go without a fight.Wales was once a "Land of Revivals" also - a land filled with the
glory of God. If I remember correctly, there was a hundred-year
period in Wales where there were 15 large outbreaks of Revival
that occurred. Phenomenal! And yet today she is a shadow of
her former self. She has not had an Awakening now for 100 years.
Her 'Land of Revivals' status has been lost, and her church
attendance has fallen to one of the lowest rates in the UK - just
7%. Crime is soaring. Drug use, fatherless children and
unemployment are all taking their toll. -All of this in a land which
for 150 years was one of the greatest "Lands of God's Glory" that
has ever been seen in the earth.America is the only one left, and she is also on the road to losing
it all. So what does God do in this situation? Does he just fold His
arms and do nothing? Does He simply allow America to slip away
as Wales did - and lose everything?No! He must get the attention of the people and warn them of the
path they are going down. It is the same as having a son who is
on the wrong path and as a parent we bring correction and
discipline so that he will not land in disaster. We arrest his fall -
even if it "hurts" him - because we love him and do not want to
see him utterly destroyed.I believe God does have a unique place in His heart for America -
just as He did for Wales. How else can we explain the fact that
He has visited this place so often and so regularly? There is a
whole history here between God and these people. He remembers
their forefathers and the great exploits that occurred in the spirit.
He has trod this territory many times and yes, I do believe God
loves America. 250 years of God's blessing has made her the
greatest nation the world has ever seen.And yet, things have changed here. She is no longer the America
of old. In so many ways, America over the last 40 years has slowly
been abandoning God. And it has become a CRISIS, because we
are at the "fifty-year" mark, where another Great Awakening usually
hits. And for the first time, I believe it is possible for America to miss
her next wave of Revival. (-They have come roughly every 50 years -
going back centuries. And if you miss one, as Wales demonstrated,
it is ALL OVER).So what will God do in this crisis? Can his preachers in this
land be relied-upon to preach piercing Repentance and see the
people turn back? -Not any more. Even the "prophets" of this nation
would seemingly rather speak of 'great revelations' than utter the
word 'REPENT'. From the greatest to the least of them, many of
the church's leaders here are on a "gravy train" of compromise
and timidity. "Peace, peace" they cry, while the nation fattens
itself in a day of slaughter.And so God, in His mercy, has to begin bringing "limited
judgements" and DISCIPLINE to bear on his unruly children.
Because they WILL NOT HEAR HIM. They gather to themselves
teachers, having "itching ears". They are rich and increased with
goods - and think they have "need of nothing". And so God lifts
His hand of protection - just a little - to show what it is like to be
a nation without Him.And SLAM - airliners strike the towers. (-But notice that
thousands of workers who should have been there were delayed
or absent for some reason). And SLAM - four hurricanes hit Florida
in less than a MONTH AND A HALF. This is what it is like to live
without God's protection. This is what it is like in many nations
around the world - ALL THE TIME. It's just that America has grown
used to God's protecting hand. "Surely God can't be ALLOWING
THIS??" is the cry. But I believe He is. Because the nation is
under 'discipline'. And the Crisis point has come.People will say that all this is too "harsh". And yet God dealt with
His FAVORITE PEOPLE - the children of Israel - the same way
all the time. In times of crisis, after patiently bearing with their
rebellion for years, He would allow drought and starvation upon His
OWN PEOPLE. Armies invaded. Some of his loved-ones DIED. He
brought "limited judgements" because they would no longer listen
to Him and because if He let them go down the path they were on
it would end in disaster. He DISCIPLINED them in the hope that
for once they would listen. And sometimes they did. And with
crying, weeping and mourning they would return to Him, and He
would dry their eyes and heal their land.So which path is it to be, America? Could it be that God is lifting
His hand of protection, little by little, in a series of "limited
judgements" so that you too will heed His words before it is too
late? I believe this to be the case. And I believe God is doing this
in His MERCY - to bring this nation back to Him. The hour is very
late.To finish, here are a couple of comments from Readers on this issue:
Jeff McCartney:
"To me this is a welcome message. It means there is still Hope
that God is willing to bring a stern judgement like this to waken
the country to repentance. Because I tell you, most do not see
the REAL spiritual condition they are REALLY in! They are blind
and that has been a great concern for me. In THAT I take Great
hope that God is willing to just spank us instead of judge us like
we deserve. It means he has not given up on us. Thank you
Jesus!... The problem with America is denial. They blame Nature,
or the heat over the water. In my opinion and it is just my opinion,
that is why it will take a concerted number of events all coming at
or around the same time throughout the country for America to
realize it is a judgement from God. I hate to say this but that is
what it will take just to see that it is God and not just nature."
____________________________DeLynn Buonvicino writes:
"I am an intercessor in Southern California, involved in a Hollywood
Tent Revival ministry as well as a weekly prophetic intercessory
prayer mtg. While I was in my personal prayer time on Sept 15,
asking the Lord how to pray for the hurricane (Jean was on the way
to FL) crying out for discernment for the winds and destruction...
from Him or the devil... when the Lord spoke to me..."I will not relent,
lest My nation be utterly destroyed for her great sin. There will be
some loss of life. It must be like this, My child..."PS. He also showed me almost 2 months ago, lava splashing up
from what I kept hearing as "middle earth", "middle earth"...now I
see in the news Mount St Helens... I am seeking discernment."
_______________________________God bless you, my friends.
Kindest regards in Christ,
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Andrew Strom (and others).
There are people in the world today who, with a spirit of hate and
envy, would like to see America ground to powder, and would
rejoice to see God "bury" her. But this is not what God is saying
or doing. I have spoken before about the unique place that the USA
holds because she is the last "Land of Revivals" in the West. She
is the only nation that I have ever come across that has a 250-year
history of regular Great Awakenings. She has had five great waves
of Revival - exceeding even Wales. And this is why God will not
let America go without a fight.
Wales was once a "Land of Revivals" also - a land filled with the
glory of God. If I remember correctly, there was a hundred-year
period in Wales where there were 15 large outbreaks of Revival
that occurred. Phenomenal! And yet today she is a shadow of
her former self. She has not had an Awakening now for 100 years.
Her 'Land of Revivals' status has been lost, and her church
attendance has fallen to one of the lowest rates in the UK - just
7%. Crime is soaring. Drug use, fatherless children and
unemployment are all taking their toll. -All of this in a land which
for 150 years was one of the greatest "Lands of God's Glory" that
has ever been seen in the earth.
America is the only one left, and she is also on the road to losing
it all. So what does God do in this situation? Does he just fold His
arms and do nothing? Does He simply allow America to slip away
as Wales did - and lose everything?
No! He must get the attention of the people and warn them of the
path they are going down. It is the same as having a son who is
on the wrong path and as a parent we bring correction and
discipline so that he will not land in disaster. We arrest his fall -
even if it "hurts" him - because we love him and do not want to
see him utterly destroyed.
I believe God does have a unique place in His heart for America -
just as He did for Wales. How else can we explain the fact that
He has visited this place so often and so regularly? There is a
whole history here between God and these people. He remembers
their forefathers and the great exploits that occurred in the spirit.
He has trod this territory many times and yes, I do believe God
loves America. 250 years of God's blessing has made her the
greatest nation the world has ever seen.
And yet, things have changed here. She is no longer the America
of old. In so many ways, America over the last 40 years has slowly
been abandoning God. And it has become a CRISIS, because we
are at the "fifty-year" mark, where another Great Awakening usually
hits. And for the first time, I believe it is possible for America to miss
her next wave of Revival. (-They have come roughly every 50 years -
going back centuries. And if you miss one, as Wales demonstrated,
it is ALL OVER).
So what will God do in this crisis? Can his preachers in this
land be relied-upon to preach piercing Repentance and see the
people turn back? -Not any more. Even the "prophets" of this nation
would seemingly rather speak of 'great revelations' than utter the
word 'REPENT'. From the greatest to the least of them, many of
the church's leaders here are on a "gravy train" of compromise
and timidity. "Peace, peace" they cry, while the nation fattens
itself in a day of slaughter.
And so God, in His mercy, has to begin bringing "limited
judgements" and DISCIPLINE to bear on his unruly children.
Because they WILL NOT HEAR HIM. They gather to themselves
teachers, having "itching ears". They are rich and increased with
goods - and think they have "need of nothing". And so God lifts
His hand of protection - just a little - to show what it is like to be
a nation without Him.
And SLAM - airliners strike the towers. (-But notice that
thousands of workers who should have been there were delayed
or absent for some reason). And SLAM - four hurricanes hit Florida
in less than a MONTH AND A HALF. This is what it is like to live
without God's protection. This is what it is like in many nations
around the world - ALL THE TIME. It's just that America has grown
used to God's protecting hand. "Surely God can't be ALLOWING
THIS??" is the cry. But I believe He is. Because the nation is
under 'discipline'. And the Crisis point has come.
People will say that all this is too "harsh". And yet God dealt with
His FAVORITE PEOPLE - the children of Israel - the same way
all the time. In times of crisis, after patiently bearing with their
rebellion for years, He would allow drought and starvation upon His
OWN PEOPLE. Armies invaded. Some of his loved-ones DIED. He
brought "limited judgements" because they would no longer listen
to Him and because if He let them go down the path they were on
it would end in disaster. He DISCIPLINED them in the hope that
for once they would listen. And sometimes they did. And with
crying, weeping and mourning they would return to Him, and He
would dry their eyes and heal their land.
So which path is it to be, America? Could it be that God is lifting
His hand of protection, little by little, in a series of "limited
judgements" so that you too will heed His words before it is too
late? I believe this to be the case. And I believe God is doing this
in His MERCY - to bring this nation back to Him. The hour is very
To finish, here are a couple of comments from Readers on this issue:
Jeff McCartney:
"To me this is a welcome message. It means there is still Hope
that God is willing to bring a stern judgement like this to waken
the country to repentance. Because I tell you, most do not see
the REAL spiritual condition they are REALLY in! They are blind
and that has been a great concern for me. In THAT I take Great
hope that God is willing to just spank us instead of judge us like
we deserve. It means he has not given up on us. Thank you
Jesus!... The problem with America is denial. They blame Nature,
or the heat over the water. In my opinion and it is just my opinion,
that is why it will take a concerted number of events all coming at
or around the same time throughout the country for America to
realize it is a judgement from God. I hate to say this but that is
what it will take just to see that it is God and not just nature."
DeLynn Buonvicino writes:
"I am an intercessor in Southern California, involved in a Hollywood
Tent Revival ministry as well as a weekly prophetic intercessory
prayer mtg. While I was in my personal prayer time on Sept 15,
asking the Lord how to pray for the hurricane (Jean was on the way
to FL) crying out for discernment for the winds and destruction...
from Him or the devil... when the Lord spoke to me..."I will not relent,
lest My nation be utterly destroyed for her great sin. There will be
some loss of life. It must be like this, My child..."
PS. He also showed me almost 2 months ago, lava splashing up
from what I kept hearing as "middle earth", "middle earth"...now I
see in the news Mount St Helens... I am seeking discernment."
God bless you, my friends.
Kindest regards in Christ,
Andrew Strom.