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Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

We want to thank you for the time you have spent with us this year and we hope we have brought a smile into your life or an uplifting inspiration. We have enjoyed your comments and appreciate the articles you have sent us to post.
We will now take the next few days to enjoy our family over the holidays and return in the new year.


Where Does Christmas Come From
Christmas Does Not Come from A Store.

Bows and ribbons, colored paper and more
boxes and bangles, all over the floor

Ornaments and stockings, wreaths and blinking lights
glowing stars and angels twinkling throughout the nights...

Piles of food and gifts, party dresses and drink
frantic shopping 'til midnight, more spending than we think.

Is this what Christmas is all about?
What is this all for?
Or is the Christmas spirit not available in any store.

This is the time of year of not bothering to measure
the material worth we have,
only greatful for untouchable treasure;

Love can not be bought, nor found in any shopping mall.
I'd give up every purchased gift; I would gladly trade them all.

For you are a gift like no other, a treasure for which I have been blessed.
I wish for you this holiday season a full year of pure happiness!

Now please pass on this heartfelt message to those close to you.
Let them know how much you care and wish them happiness too.

Merry Christmas


I hope this Christmas Season, you'll share
God's love, it's free, Share the plan of
salvation, as you decorate your tree.
Remember that God truly loves you,
just the way you are, His love will brighten
up your heart, just like the Bethlehem star.

Merry Christmas to you all, may peace come
your way, Remember Baby Jesus as in the
manger He did lay. He was born to save the world,
and to forgive us of our sins, His love for you is
priceless, a love that never ends!

Merry Christmas
Dave and Barbara