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Posted by: jpeters <jpeters@...>


  RD 2, BOX 233, KITTANNING, PA 16201 - 724-548-2760,,

December, 2003


Luke 2:11 - For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.


Dear Loved Ones and Friends:


     It is with joy that we write you another Christmas letter wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years.  The great news proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds is still true!  A Savior has been born.  He is Jesus Christ the Lord.  Faith in Him brings forgiveness of sin and everlasting life.  If you haven’t trusted Him as your only hope for Heaven, we encourage you to do so this Christmas!  (See Romans 5:1, 6-9.)


     Dottie and I continue to live in West Valley, PA, and minister to the Mount Union Bible Church where I have been pastor since April of 1998.  We enjoy the people and the country living.  With all the rain this year we enjoyed many vegetables including sweet corn and potatoes.  Dottie enjoys being a full time pastor’s wife and often accompanies me on visits.  She also teaches a ladies’ Bible Study part of the year on Wednesday nights, as Jack teaches the men.  Four months of teaching junior church, six months of lining up special music, and directing Daily Vacation Bible School make for a pretty full schedule. Jack continues to send out his weekly Sermon Seeds and to moderate a pastors’ discussion list called Pastor Mail.  Vacation this year was a week in Florida with our former pastor’s widow, Deloris (“Mama”) Headley.  Carletta, Donna, and Candace have helped turn “Mom” into an ardent “scrap-booker”.  She enjoys making new pages of pictures, especially of her grandchildren.


     We are at an age that makes grand-parenting a growing and joyful responsibility.  Tim and Donna Spayd bought a town house in Harrisburg, PA.  When they first moved in, we had a large upstairs guest bedroom in which to sleep.  Our room has been moved to a smaller, basement room (still adequate).  The reason for this change is the anticipated arrival of Noah Adam Spayd towards the end of January.  One of the highlights of this year was Noah’s baby shower held in November.  Dottie is looking forward to a week of grand-mothering as soon as Noah arrives.  Donna and Tim are very active in their church. Tim is on the worship team, Donna helps in nursery, and both are active in a small group.


    Meanwhile it was an eventful year for our grandchildren Nicole (6) and Ty (4 ½).  Nicole enjoyed “graduating” from kindergarten at her Christian school and beginning the first grade.  She enjoys books and dolls and playing with her friends at church.  Ty is ever the fan of horses, enjoys playing with them and being home with his mom all day, having the attention of being an only child for a few hours.  David and Carletta are working hard at parenting and giving guidance to the church that Dave pastors in Markleysburg, PA.  Both of them work very hard to help meet the spiritual needs of the flock there.  Dave continues to garden, hunt, and drive a big pickup truck.


    As this letter is being written, our other two grandchildren, Jared (2) and Elyssa are vacationing with their parents, Mark and Candace, in Washington State.  Elyssa joined the family on July 10 (weighing in at 7 lbs., 10 ounces on 7/10!).  Mark graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in April with a Ph.D. in historic musicology.  Mark works as a part time adjunct professor at the University of West Virginia and Candace has several piano students and fills in as organist in various churches.


    Well, that’s the latest edition of the “Peters Saga”.  Again, we wish you Happy Holidays!



Jack and Dottie Peters