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Posted by: jessiew <jessiew@...>

Praying Michelle, and I hope you are feeling much better very soon. 
By His Grace,
Mary in AL
-------Original Message-------
From: Michelle
Date: 02/08/05 12:01:28
Subject: [HomeSteadHeaven] Prayer request
My dear cyber friends, can I ask you to pray for me? Our family was hit with colds and the flu earlier in the month, I finally thought we were past it and then this past weekend, I began having terrible back/side pain on my right side. I am having difficulty breathing and finally ended up in the ER all day yesterday. Unfortunately, they did not determine anything conclusive and have given me a script for a HIDA scan (something where they inject a dye to see the gall bladder)I will have that done tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I am in horrible pain and although they gave me a prescription for Vicodin, it only takes the edge off the pain for a few hours. I cannot care for my 1 and 2 year olds and so must rely on our teens to do everything here at home. This has been difficult on them as well and they are getting a new appreciation for what I do all day.
If you think of it, will you say a prayer for me - I need for them to figure out what's wrong so I can get better. Thank you so much,
Michelle W.
In sunny Florida

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